Act 1, Chapter 1: Jarring Discordance

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Base Cleph and Otempes were speaking in front of a church as Wiscara stumbled out of the woods and ran up to them. she tries to speak between breaths, "Finally. Found some of you.. Guys.. There... oh god, I'm out of breath." The two looked at her confused. "There's what? We're kinda in a hurry." Otempes said. She catches her breath and starts to explain. As she spoke, she saw a fallen harmonian with a halo that looked "stapled" together speed flew out of the church. "And there was one with a harmonian halo, but broken like...Like them, someone with a broken halo." she exclaimed gesturing to them, making the two look at the harmonian who was also made to look at the three. "Uh... wow, meant to say that quietly didn't you?... I've heard many comments in my many years, yet that feels the worst one" they said. Base Cleph gave Wiscara the death glare. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I-" "No, no. It's fine. It's a part of life. Come on, guys, we have a situation that needs to be handled." "Sorry, Wiscara, we'll have to help with what you saw later." The three quickly ran into Harmony Haven.

Curious and wanting to help, she followed just behind. The town was now evacuated and covered in familiar red crystals. "What happened?" "Crystal bombs. They've hit the town this morning." Otempes exclaimed. "We're lucky most of the residences of the town were in the church." Base Cleph added. The group headed into the Bombastic Factory, which was affected the most. Meeting with a group of three hooded people inside. With no hesitation, Base Cleph got out his bow and shot an arrow at one of the hooded people who was turning around. "Woah!" the same familiar voice, Wiscara heard back in the woods, exclaimed as they reeled back their head as the arrow whizzed past, catching their hood before it fell off. The other two turned around too. Each having a rest note on their chest, catching the eyes of the other harmonian and Otempus. The two getting in front of Base Cleph and Wiscara. "Well, we meet again, Otempes and Reverend. How is it after the war?" the taller, woolier one said with a baa in her voice. "What is the meaning of this, Baalead? You were supposed to be banished along with 'Him'." Otempes said, staff tight in his hand.

"Oh, how I forget how naive you mortals and near-mortals can get. Time is running out in this world, He will break free." Baalead said, "Now, how about his old member come with me. He needed his power~" Wiscara and Base Cleph "Him?" "Old member?". The hooded person to the right, who's halo is recognized by Wiscara and Reverend, cast a spell that shot a small crystal bomb at Reverend and a shock wave that pushed the other three away. Which makes him have to cast a spell himself, making a small blue crystal wall shoot from the floor. The bomb activates on the wall and surrounds the blue in red, causing another shock wave that pushes the old fallen harmonian off balance. Picking back up his hard metal harp bow, Base Cleph quickly got up, rage could be seen in his eyes as he flew directly at the hooded group. "Oh-ho-ho, You want to fight? how about you fight someone younger you great-value hoodwinked background characters." He shouts as he swung his bow, not caring that it's not how you properly use it. Getting back on her feet as well, Wiscara summoned her scissor blades, "I'll help". Running into the fight too.

After a while of fighting, the hooded group retreated. Teleporting away in a glitchy cloud of smoke. "What?" Wiscara said, lowering her blades. Base Cleph let out a sigh of frustration and headed to Otempes, who was helping Reverend up. "You two okay?" "Yeah, just those few attacks were a bit much in our old ages." Wiscara looked towards Otempes, "Who were they?" "Followers of Discord. And from what Baalead said, they must be getting stronger."

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