Act 1, Chapter 2: Cave to the World

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In Cutout town's town square, where the church resides, Claire, Boxdria, and Scriptless were trying to calm down the surviving Harmonians as Wiscara and the other three arrived back there. Coming up to the group, Caire spoke, "Finally you guys are back, what's the situation?" "The attacks have stopped for now, but something bigger may be coming." As Otempes and Claire talked, Wiscara saw, in the corner of her eye, Base Cleph drag away Reverend. "Where do you think those two are going?" Scriptless asked, being by Wiscara's side without her knowing. "GAH! Oh. god dang warn a person next time you sneak up on someone." "oh sorry" "anyways, I don't know" "Should we find out?" "Considering how things are now, yes." Following where the same note having creatures went, Wiscara and Scriptless stay behind a column at the back entrance of the church.

Listening closely...

B:Okay, dad, explain

R:Explain what, Junior?

B:The whole "Old member" thing. The thing that Baalead person said. Those hooded people tried to attack you with a cage crystal, so that must have been referring to you. So explain, are you hiding something?

R:...*sighs*... I never wanted to revisit this ever again. But I can not keep this from you any longer... this and the others

B:!?... Others?

R:I'll explain the others after this. But, Junior, before I tell you this. I want you to understand that it was back when I was only 5 years before your age, it was the darkest years, and I haven't been this way since.

B:*nods* alright.

R:*takes out a handkerchief and turns away to wipe white makeup off his right cheek, turning back with a scar of a quarter rest note on his cheek*


Wiscara accidentally autobally gasps, having Scriptless cover her mouth for a second as the Unfallen and Fallen Harmonian looks over and sees the two. "...Heyyy...." Wiscara tried playing it off. "How much have you heard?" Base Cleph asked. "Just the last pa-" "All of it." Scriptess interrupted. Silence was all that was among the group before Reverend placed a hand on Base Cleph's shoulder, "don't fight them, Junior, I think it's about time for others now too." "I wasn't." Reverend walked up to the other two. "Well, since you two are here. You won't need to be 'hunted down' to tell you that it would be best to head to The Texture Temble. Junior will have the directions." "uh, the- what?" Wiscara asked, "You never..." Base Cleph interjected before Reverend tapped his palm his finger twice, making Base Cleph's palm to feel a tingling sting. "?!" Like a hot pen on paper. "just follow the directions and meet some of the others there, Otempes, Boxria, and I will be there in a bit." Before anyone could get another word in, Reverend went back into the church.

Wiscara and Scriptless walked up to Base Cleph, who was staring at his palm with a confused look. "Why did that feel familiar..." they can hear him whisper to himself, before he composes himself. Clearing his throat, "welp, we should get going."


The broken haloed hooded member went up to Baalead. "My lady, has your majesty sent out the next plan of action?" the rubberhose ink sheep nodded and handed them a piece of paper, "Don't fail. You know your consequences if you do." "....." they nod, "...of course, my lady." before unsheathing their broken, yet 'fixed', wings and flying away.


As the group came to the area behind the Sforzando Spire, they found Dusekkar, Lanter, and Antagon at what looked like a small landslide collapsed on a cave opening. "Ah, you're finally here," Dusekkar said. "What is this??" Wiscara asked, which Lantern also turned to her. "It's what connects us to the rest of Paper Robloxia. This cave has since been closed by the guardians of balance and Dusekkar, along with other ways to other parts of the land, after a great war to prevent it from happening again." Dusekkar looked back at the caved-in cave, "We should have blocked off the Banlands as well, but that would have made the dimensional balance go off". "So you called us here to help?" Scriptliss asked. "More or less. Sense there are now at least five magic users here, while preferred to have the two actually in the GoB to be here. Wiscara, Base Cleph, you two mind lending a hand?" Lantern answered while providing a request. Wiscara and Base Cleph nods, with Wiscara getting out one of her magical scissors.

"Can we finally do this now?" Antagon asks, kinda whiningly, the tracts of his bored child steps lightly smoked at the burned gray grass. Duskkar nodded. The five magic users position themselves to where their points make a pentagram star. Their magic collects in the center as they focus their power on the cave entrance. As Duskkar moved his right hand above the open plot book and twisted his wrist counter clockwise, the broken cave got reverted back to its original form. The spell finishes with the cluster of power slamming into the cave mid reversion. "Woah." Scriptliss, Antagon, and Wiscara said dumbfounded. "Alright, it's open." Dusskkar looked back towards the robloxian, harmonian, and immortal. "follow the straight path and we'll be in Vellum. There we need to head to the knight's guild, the third guardian is there." "Shouldn't we wait for the others?" Scriptliss asked. "The others have somewhere else to be at the moment, they'll meet up with us later". Antagon lit the way as the group went through.


"Should we really break the 'curse'?" Revered asked, worryingly, helping Otempes saddle up Boxdria for the ride out to Staven. "Brase and Chortus did put it up to try and cover up what the war really was about." "It would be wise to. Especially if we want to fully recruit those two for this." Optempus replied, getting on top of Boxdria's back. Boxdria added, "It would be confusing for them thu-out this without those memories." Reverend Cleph put on his prosthetics where his wings and halo are broken, "I understand... I still feel like this is a bad idea." reluctants in his voice. And with that said, the two that can fly lifted off and started the journey.



Wiscara and Scriptliss noticed Base Cleph seemed less unkempt than usual, so they went closer to him to check up on him. "Hey, Base-man, are you doing okay?" Wiscara asked. "Huh? Oh yeah. I'm just trying to figure out something. It feels like I've been here before, you know the closer we get to Vellum." "hm... I get what you mean," Scriptliss stated, "I've had that feeling back when we were traveling between dimensions. Especially the feeling I've been somewhere with... Tess..." "Yeah... that feeling too, but I can't pin who they are." as they talk, Wiscara notice Duskkar look back at them slightly for a moment. Not in a suspicious side eye though, more like a knowing side eye.

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