blue lines

10 1 1

i wait,
and i wait,
and i wait,
is this pointless?
i mean, probably not. im waiting for a reason

(without thinking, my fingers make their way back to my messages with him)

why hasnt he responded? 
is he busy? he shouldn't be,

(i check the time, again)

its not that much later than the last time i checked it,
but again, i dont think hes busy.

(i scroll through the last couple things i sent)

did i weird him out? i doubt it.
weve been together for months, and ive done weirder, 
these are just texts

(i turn off my phone, and put it on the bed)

the ceiling is very boring, but i dont really have anything to do.
i've already scrolled through tik tok for hours, and honestly, 
its pretty boring.
nothing has changed on any other social media app, theres nothing for me to do
but wait

(i pick up my phone again, unlock it, and open our dms.)

he read my message,

(i check the time)

three minutes ago?
nothing i sent should take three minutes to respond to,
and he isnt typing.

(i swipe out of the dm, and back into tik tok)

well, i'll see if he responds to me in a bit,
maybe he just saw my text,
and is doing something.
10 minutes seems reasonable

(i mindlessly scroll through tik tok, like i always do, and i couldnt tell you the last thing i saw)

maybe hes responded by now? 
again, its pretty late, and as far as i know he isnt doing anything that would make it hard for him to respond

(i swipe back into our dm)

read 11:30


(i start to type)

"babe ?"
that should do,
nothing too crazy, but he knows im wondering whats up

(i swipe back into tik tok, for longer this time)

i mean, the dude has to have responded by now, right?
its almost been, what,

(i check the time)

45 minutes?
seriously, we're supposed to have called by now.

read 11:40

he read it as soon as i sent it,
and he,
didnt respond?
thats weird, he really doesnt do that.
and he should know i think somethings up.

(i start to type, trying to tell him im putting my phone down and wont see his texts, but-)

whats the point?
he can see my texts, and he cant even say anything to ease my mind.
why should i tell him im close to going to sleep?

why do i owe him this?

- a teenage girl

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