Just Best Friends

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Kelvin:(I was in a shower, deep in my thoughts when my mom knocked on my door)

Mom: Kelvin hurry up, Gideon has been waiting for you!

Kelvin: I'm almost done, I'll be downstairs before you know it!

Mom: guess what?

Kelvin:mom can you wait until am out of the shower?

Mom:I can't, Gideon is really looking hot today,I mean it's the same uniform,but the way his muscular body fits it, gosh he's so hot, I'm sure all the girls at your school are all over him!

Kelvin:mom your gonna make me puke, it's my best friend your talking about!

Angel:(scoffed) just hurry up,I prepared your favorite, I'm heading to the office now,my assistant just called!

Kelvin: alright mom, I'll see you later...(i got out of the shower,lotioned up,wore my uniform,took my backpack and left my room,I got downstairs and caught Gideon staring at my pictures) remember,you promised not to stare!

Gideon:I know,but seriously how can I resist,you were a cute little chubby baby!

Kelvin: don't you dare, I'm not chubby!

Gideon:I said when you were little, anyway your looking good!

Kelvin: thanks

Gideon:we have to get going,were already running late!

Kelvin:I haven't had breakfast yet!

Gideon: I'm sure you can do a little fasting!

Kelvin: breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I skipped dinner last night cause I was on a video call with Ana and Fiona and it was really depressing,so I really need breakfast!

Gideon: alright then,you can have it in my car!

Kelvin:you mean your dad's car?

Gideon:yeah...today's his day off,so he let me borrow it.

Kelvin:cool, let's get going! (grabbed my breakfast and soon we were already on our way to school)

Gideon:for the record,you smell really nice!

Kelvin:was that really necessary?

Gideon: what?

Kelvin:stop complimenting me, it's weird!

Gideon: sorry,um,so your gonna watch our game tonight right?

Kelvin:do you even have to ask,you know I hate basketball,so no!

Gideon:that reminds me, before your mom left,she kinda winked at me!

Kelvin: that's my mom for you,she acts very differently around my friends!

Gideon:(i looked at him and the way his lips were moving as he spoke was driving me crazy,his asexual/aromantic,if there's any word for that,he doesn't feel sexually attracted to either girls or guys,and it's so frustrating cause I love him so much, and of course I can't tell him, it's only going to ruin our friendship,to him were just best friends and maybe it's better that way...we arrived at school and the gates were locked,I looked at my wristwatch and it was 9:00) were screwed!

Kelvin: I'm sorry,this is all my fault!

Gideon:you don't have to apologize!

Peter:hey,Mr president!


Peter:haha,I always knew you'll fall into my trap!

Gideon: Peter shut up!

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