School Sucks

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Kelvin:(few minutes later,the bell rang and it was  time for break)

Teacher:i'll be checking notes tomorrow,don't fail to complete them!

Kelvin:(she left the class immediately and everyone knew why,I mean she always got insulted by Issac and his friends and there was nothing she could do about it)

Calvin:you know Issac,what you said to that teacher was really harsh!

Betty:yeah,you almost made Mrs too good. shed tears!

Issac:you guys are such awful gossipers,it's actually annoying!

Peter:I don't know about that,but I was kinda waiting for Mr school president to step in for her!

Kelvin:guys,I'm really not in the mood,so fuck off (normally,they wouldn't have walked away, they would have taunted me a little longer,but Gideon just looked at them and they left without saying any word)

Fiona:I feel like something is going on!

Timmy:I was about to say the same thing!

Gideon:I don't know what you guys are talking about!

Ana:it's not just you Gideon,even Kelvin,on a normal he wouldn't have remained quiet as Issac insulted our teacher but he did!

Kelvin:sorry,it's just that i'm stressed,the principal gave me tons of speech to write,am stuck with various tuitions for junior students and I could really use some snacks!

Timmy:you know sometimes,I feel like your over intelligence is a curse


Ana:dear Kelvin,if it will make you feel better,I'll like to remind you, that your the school president so it's your duty to write the speech,the tuitions for junior students isn't exactly free,and it's your turn to go get the snacks.

Kelvin:today's Friday,it's Timmy's turn!

Gideon:no,today is thursday and it's your turn

Kelvin:oh shit, what is wrong with me!

Fiona:aww,you look so adorable when your stressed!

Kelvin:not exactly helping,but I will never reject a compliment from your pretty face (closed the book I was writing on and stood up but Tim decided to stop me)

Timmy: just relax,I'll go get them

Kelvin:oh,thank you so much,your a lifesaver!

Timmy:but your going to get the snacks tomorrow!

Kelvin:deal!(he left and i sighed)you see,Tim is a really good friend you all are just second hand!

Fiona: hey,that's harsh!


Ana:well I could order the outfit you'll use to go clubbing tomorrow !

Kelvin:girl,are you trying to bribe me?

Ana:that depends if it's working!

Kelvin:how expensive is this outfit?

Ana:$5000,it also comes with accessories

Kelvin:aww,my beautiful friend,I always say the best things about you,ask around!

Ana:you called me 'second hand' just now!

Kelvin:it was a slip of tongue darling,go ahead order the outfit!

Ana:(pulled out my phone) your lucky I love you!

Kelvin:(smiled as I continue to write down the speech, immediately Calvin called out to me)yes?

Calvin:I think the whole school president stuff is getting into your head, I'm older than you,so when I call for you,you should come to me!

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