Let Us Pray

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Kelvin:(minutes later,Gideon dropped me at home,he wanted coming in but I told him about my uncle,so he decided to leave. I was standing just outside the door too angry to go in,because if I did,I may have no choice than to insult my uncle,and my mom didn't raise me to be disrespectful,I exhaled and was about opening the door,when it opened from inside,and there he was with my mom behind him...)

Uncle:oh, Kelvin Bernard!

Kelvin:it's Kelvin Chauke,I'm taking my mother's name!

Uncle:I see, wow you've grown into a handsome man!

Kelvin:yeah and it's no thanks to you or your brother!

Mom: Kelvin please calm down,I know it's been a long day at school,why don't you go in and rest!

Kelvin:(I looked at the stuff he was holding and it was the jewelry box,I know we were rich now, and that my mom could afford anything she wanted,but this particular necklace made her so happy,I can't believe she's actually going to let him have it)

Uncle:Angel,I'm so glad you raised your son to be so fierce,that way your property wouldn't fall into the wrong hands!

Kelvin:this property doesn't concern you or your brother,it's my mom's sweat and she'll do whatever she wants with it (I pushed him out of my way and rushed to my room upstairs)

Mom: please excuse his behavior!

Uncle:oh don't worry,his a teenager,all his emotions are in full charge and the truth is that,if I were in his shoes I would have done worse, your husband was being selfish when he left you and your son,he married another woman and sold the house you were living in,you came to me,his brother for help,but I rejected you,now look at you,you own this huge mansion,a leading business and a great son, I'm so happy for you!

Mom:(sighed) everything I did,I did for my son's happiness,John thanks for coming,but I'll prefer if you or your brother never come anywhere close to me,my son or my property ever again!

Uncle:hmmm, I'll take my leave now!

Mom:(he left and I rushed to my son's room and I saw him angrily pacing around his room) Kelvin!

Kelvin:mom,what was that all about,how could you pretend to be happy with them after everything they did to us!

Mom:son,you can't win fire with fire, although they rejected us,look around,were no longer where we use to be, we've been blessed beyond our imagination,your father thought I couldn't survive without him,but look am doing better!

Kelvin: that's because he married an Angel!

Mom:(chuckled)I see what you did there!

Kelvin:mom am serious,he failed to realize that he married the best woman,your strong, patience,and you tolerate everything!

Mom:although I have all these qualities you mentioned,but I did everything for you,there was so many times I felt like giving up,but once I remember that I have you,I feel like I have everything I need,so why give up,you are my motivation,I love you and want you to be happy,more than anything you deserve to be happy!

Kelvin: I'm happy!

Mom:no your not,you pretend to be happy!

Kelvin:I can't forgive dad for what he did to you,what he did to us,all my life I've watched you struggle,that's why I'm trying so hard not to disappoint you!

Mom:oh Kelvin,you have to find love,that is the only way you can truly be happy!

Kelvin:mom I love you!

Mom:I know son, and I love you more than anything,but I'm talking about you being in a relationship,to get your mind off things... I've found nice girls for you,but you didn't take any interest in them,I also brought in guys for you,but none caught your attention,what do you want me to do?!

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