[Chapter 6](Trouble in the big city)[pt3]

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"What about under the streets? The sewers?", Rick said which sounded like a really good plan because if they were lucky they could just walk through Atlanta and get out in a saver area.

"Oh man... Hey, glenn check the ally. You see any manhole covers?", Morales asked to which Glenn quickly got up and went to the other side of the roof and looked over at the Streets below. After a quick look he jogged right on back.

"No, must be all out on the street where the geeks are.", Glenn replied which brought the black woman to turn remembering something.

"Maybe not. Oldbuildings like this built in the twenties. Big structures often had drainage tunnels into the sewers incase of flooding down in the subbasements", The woman said and explained which from the sounds of it she knew what she was talking about.

"How do you know that?", Glenn asked her which was a good question.

"It's my job-- was. I worked in the city zoning office", The woman replied which did explain it since a profession like that came with knowledge you wouldn't get in many other places unless you were looking for it. And even then libraries and Internet don't give experience.


A little while after what the woman said a good portion of the group went down towards the basement including Harry. As for Fleur she went to pack up some clothing in the shop itself into her moke skin bag as clothing and jewelry could come in handy with enchantments and cloth. Not to mention a spare change wouldn't hurt anyone.

In the basement Harry, Rick, Glenn, Morales, Andrea, and the black woman walked towards a big railed off hole in the ground which they all peered into to reveal the underground tunnles of the sewers. 

"This is it you sure?", Morales asked glenn who found this place hoping this was the place since Glenn was the groups runner.

"I really scoped this place out the other times I was here. It's the only thing in the building that goes down. But I've never gone down it. Who'd want to, right?", Glenn replied which everyone could agree it was pretty gross to head down into a sewer that was not only smelly and unhygienic but was also Dark and hard to navigate. However everyone turned their heads to Glenn well other then Harry who was trying to focus to see of their was any dead near by under ground since he was working on his senses as it could be a life changer.

"Oh Great", Glenn said regretful that he just told them about it but also annoyied at the expecting look they were giving him.

"We'll be right behind you", Andrea said after looking at Morales and the black woman.

"no, you won't. Not you.", Glenn replied which it seems Andrea took offence to that but Harry did have an idea.

"Why not me? Think I can't?", Andrea asked putting pressure on Glenn who didn't know what to say as she was acting pretty hottly towards him however.

"Speak your mind", Rick said to Glenn giving him a reassuring look as he could tell Glenn was nervous about this. 

"Look, Until now I've always came here by myself. In and out, grab a few things no problem. The first time I bring a group everything goes to hell. No offence....If you want me to go down this gnarly hole, fine. But only if we do it my way. It's tight down there. If I run into something and have to get out quick, I don't want you all jammed up behind me getting me killed. I'll take one person-- Not you either ", Glenn said which at the end Rick was going the volunteer but glenn shut him down.

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