Mother's Love

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The Angel that presided 'oer my birth said, "Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth"


It was night.

Ei had sat atop the roof of Tenshukaku's main building: she could barely sleep a wink, so she took comfort in the stillness of the night, all the while holding what seemed to be a bundle in her arms.

She was many things: a warrior, a leader, but what she didn't expect was that she would eventually become a mother. But the moment the child... her child was born, not once has she decided to let him go.

The infant - Nero they decided to call him - was living proof of her union with her lover: seeing as their offspring held his father's hair, and although a different shade, he had her eyes. A union between god and demon, sounds like something she'd find in her friend's novels, she thought.

Her gaze turned to the baby as she felt him stirring in her arms: whether it was from the cold winds, or was uncomfortable in the sheets that hugged his tiny figure, she did not know. But either way, he felt disturbed by something.

"It's okay, it's okay..." she spoke in a soft voice, gently cradling him: "mommy's here, don't cry..."

Even when a month had passed, the word was still foreign to her. But even so, it just felt right.

She smiled softly as her hand moved to caress the infant's snow-white hair, the infant seemingly enjoyed his mother's warmth as he cooed in response.

"As long as I live, no harm will come to you" she promised, planting a little peck on the infant's forehead: "my little arashi..."

No words were spoken afterwards, now it was just a mother and her sleeping infant under the light of the pale moon. She had lost family once before, and she's not losing them a second time...


Present day

"Nero?" Ei called, wandering around Tenshukaku: she had much free time since the current affairs of Inazuma were already dealt with for today, so she decided to spend most of it by coddling her child.

Granted, she may have to stop doing that eventually, but time be damned if it won't allow her even a tiny moment to unleash the great calamity that is her motherly love onto the child.

"Nero?" She called him, again she was given no answer. She slowly turned from wandering to a full-on sprint, her mind racing to the worst possible scenarios that could've occured: did he stray too far away from home? Or worse, did the Fatui get to him?

She was already preparing to tear down the entirety of Inazuma to find her kid until she heard a slight snoring coming from her and Vergil's room: she slid open the door to reveal a lump on the futon, a tuft of white hair can be seen swaying about near its entrance. Gently removing the sheets, it revealed a sleeping child wearing a dark violet attire, slowly getting irritated by the light of the morning sun.

"By heaven's grace, do not scare me like that my little arashi..." she sighed, before sitting down next to her child. With absolutely no hesitation, her hand moved to caress his sleeping head: she had not been able to do that as much when Nero became three, as well as the politics of Inazuma growing more by the day.

She watches as the young divine demon's hand wander about the futon, his face continued to bore an irritated expression as if he was looking for something. His search stopped as he felt his mother's hand, and immediately hugged it in a vice grip.

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