Our Beloved Legacy

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They will see, we'll fight until eternity.

Come with me, we'll stand and fight together.


Are you happy?

Ever since he settled down in Inazuma as a consort to the shogun, he's asked himself this from time to time. Sure, she was a beautiful woman, a skillful martial artist that could keep up with him.

But, was it really worth giving up his pursuit of power for marital bliss? To halt any progression of becoming power absolute, for the sake of living a peaceful life with a woman who loved him dearly?

Okay, any sane person would choose a life of peace and love over the pursuit of power. But to be fair to the half-demon, power was the only thing he ever knew, ever since that day.

That memory was forever burned in his mind: his helplessness, his inability to do anything, all while his home and his mother were burned by the hands of demonkind.

He didn't want to lose it a second time, and he was certain that he would run the Yamato through fate's neck if it decided to do it again.

"There you are, I was beginning to think you had disappeared" a soft voice giggled, belonging to the aforementioned woman he had sworn devotion to. Ei approached the half-demon that stood before her, cupping his left cheek as her lips moved to meet his.

That woman

She was fierce like a booming thunderstorm, yet calm like an open sky. Whether it was from the adrenaline of their duels or because of their ever-growing respect they have for one another, he did not know. But whatever was the reason, she ended up developing feelings for the devil in a blue coat.

Sometimes he wondered how things came to be like this, but then again: if a human can capture a demon's heart, then many things are possible.

As they broke apart from the kiss, her expression turned somber: "You always seem to wander off without warning, is everything alright?" She asked, her warm gaze slowly turning into an inquisitive one.

To an extent, she understood and empathized with him on his upbringing, as they both suffered losses that caused them to pursue ideas that were normally beyond the reach of many. But with the lack of communication under that category, it's difficult for her to process what he's feeling.

"I am fine, just remembering old things" he reassured, then shifted into a different topic. "That aside, is there something important that I should know about hence why you were searching for me?"

"If I could, may I talk to you somewhere private?" She asked, only for the half-demon to nod in response. Quickly as she could, she led him straight into her dwelling. Once she knew the coast was clear, she closed the door and turned to her consort.

"What is the reason behind its importance that it needs to be kept between us only?" Vergil asked, now that they got their privacy.

"I... noticed a couple of irregularities in my normal day to day cycle" she spoke, a hint of hesitance was visible in her voice. "At first, I paid no mind to it. But after a couple weeks had passed, those irregularities still stayed, only then I realized what was wrong"

"What are you trying to say?" the half-demon asked again, only for Ei to answer in four words:

"I am with child"


Present day

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