Chapter 1: Meeting The Team

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Jaimes had met with Laswell at the 141 base , to his surprise  she told him the team would be back soon , so you waited with her on the tarmac for the team to get back after three hours the team arrived back , he  stood at attention , and  Laswell introduced Jaimes to the team

Jaimes looks through the team , grinning when he sees Johnny and Ghost , as soon as Johnny and Jaimes lock eyes Johnny charges at him for full speed. Jaimes braced for the impact of a full speed Johnny , but he failed falling onto his ass , causing both of them to laugh.

Jaimes in Gaelic: "damn thusa tha fios agam gu bheil e air a bhith ann o chionn fhada ach a bheil thu a' feuchainn ri mo chnàmhan a bhriseadh??"

Translation: damn you I know it's been a long time but are you trying to break my bones?

Johnny just gave him a cheeky grin  before replying in Gaelic "Cha robh... An robh e cho dona?"

Translation:  No....Was it that bad? 

Jaimes shook his head no , pushing Johnny off him and got up , before giving a small nod to Ghost  who returned the nod.  Jaimes saw the tall  figure in the back , Laswell saw Jaimes  looking at Konig , and before Jaimes could ask  anything Laswell introduced the two.

Jaimes went over to the Colonel , frowning  when he saw a large hole  in his sniper hood , and  Jaimes asked in hushed German "Kann ich das Loch in deiner Motorhaube reparieren??"  

Translation: Can i fix the hole in your hood?

The Colonel looked at  Jaimes wide eyed , nodding yes  since he was taken a back by what he  was  doing , once he got the okay  and pulled out a travel sized sewing kit and got to work. Everyone was stunned  as you sewed the hole.

Now Jaimes to some might be an idiot for doing  what he has done to some , BUT he knows that an item that is apart your identity  need to be upkept properly , so  he always   decided to carry a  travel sized sewing kit with him. 

Hell Jamie even had to fix Ghost's mask a few times ,  yes Jaimes gave ghost his mask  until he was done fixing his , and every little stitch on Ghost's mask is thanks to him.

Everyone watched in worry , as Jaimes finally dropped  Konig's hood , and  he looked at Jaimes confused still by his actions.  Jaimes let go of the hood and said in German "Die Scharfschützenhaube hängt davon ab, wer Sie sind, oder? Deshalb weiß ich tief im Inneren, dass es mühsam ist, es nach so langer Zeit ersetzen zu müssen. Ich habe getan, was ich getan habe, damit Sie es länger nutzen können"

Translation: The sniper hood is apart of who you are right? So I know deep down having to replace it after so long is a hassle . I did what i did so it could help you keep using it for longer

Konig just stared at Jaimes , as Jaimes gave him a small smile   or the best he could with his mask on , and after that  interaction  Konig kept his distance from Jaimes  as He made Konig  feel weird in a good way. 

After a week of Jaimes joining the 141  Konig found himself staring at the man ,  Jaimes knew Konig was staring at him as he walked by or when he talked with everyone else in the group , So Jaimes would side glance Konig  a glint of playfulness in his eyes. 

Anytime Jaimes and Konig got assigned  random chores together , Jaimes would sing in German just small little weird things that came to mind which stopped Konig in his tracks and he would just listen , but when they got assigned to do inventory in the Armory  Jaimes was looking over his list  before he turned his attention to Konig. 

Konig was oblivious to Jaimes , at the current moment as he was checking the lethal inventory and Jaimes  finished checking the tactical inventory ,  he (Jaimes)  purposefully walked by Konig saying a small cute in German. 

Jaimes said this to see how the Colonel would react  , to say the least Konig's brain short circuited ,  so Jaimes leaned into Konig to see what he had left to do for his list ; then looked up at him causing their eyes to lock together. 

Jaimes called Konig cute , because he noticed how he had to squint a little to read the small list font , and that kind of just melted Jaimes' heart a bit. After the prolonged eye contact  , Jaimes moved away from him , Konig watched Jaimes  wide eyed and he was possibly blushing under his hood ,  and so by the time the two finished it was lunch.

Jaimes decided to take both lists to Price , so Konig could have a moment to himself  , as soon as Jaimes left Konig decided to follow him like a lost puppy.  Jaimes did not mind this  , but he knew something else was bugging the Colonel and kept it to himself until he could ask him  more in private. 

Once the lists were dropped off the two walked in a somewhat comfortable  silence , upon entering the mess hall  Jaimes went to get his food  as did Konig ,  Jaimes sat next to Soap ;  then Konig sat beside Jaimes  and began to eat quietly.  

Jaimes went to go  wipe some food off his hand , but he was not paying attention and brushed his hand against Konig's thigh instead ,  needless to say after that action was done the whole table was quiet. 

Jaimes  cursed softly  , as he looked at Konig  mumbling a small sorry ,  and  placed his hand  on the table   this action caused Konig  to lean into Jaimes and says in  German  "Ich würde es begrüßen, Major, wenn Sie das nicht noch einmal in aller Öffentlichkeit tun würden, ja?"

McTavish twins? (COD Men x oc Twin)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu