Chapter 2: Realizing

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*Author note*
This chapter and  the next are gonna have songs involving relationships
Jaimes is using these as promise  and confession songs to Konig
and when I say confession I mean feelings !

YES I am aware  that could be trouble for the two ... Since Konig is Jaimes' superior  ...... I feel like that won't stop them.... 

Again yes I am also aware they have not know each other long so I am doing the falling head over heels in love type thing ! 

Jaimes was working on some paper work , but stopped leaning back in his chair  his mask off entirely ,  and looked at the ceiling thinking about the days events. He did not even hear Konig wake up , until he was right beside him , Jaimes looked at  Konig a small smile on his lips. 

Konig just stared at him a moment  , Jaimes stared back seeing some hesitation in his eyes and body language  , and Konig bit his lip under his hood.  Jaimes shook his head saying  in English " You do not have to show me your face until you feel ready to".

Konig gulped before replying in English  with a semi thick accent "O.... Okay.... But why? It only seems fair since I have seen your face ...."  , Jaimes got  up to stretch and just smiles , which left Konig confused. 

Jaimes walked past König , pulling off his shirt  , changing  his cooling  sleeve and  replied "Because I do not think that rushing something like  that is important. I would rather you be comfortable first before doing something that. I also do not want you to feel the need to show me your face right away either" ,   and looked at Konig over his shoulder.

Konig stood there  , nodding  before  he fell to his knees shaking , and he started to curl into himself. Jaimes  thankfully  had the cooling pad on when this started to happen ,  he got his tank top on  going  over to Konig sitting beside him. 

Jaimes stopped Konig from completely curling into himself ,  he pulled him onto his lap and held him like he did in the training area ,  Konig moved to where he was now straddling Jaimes' lap  with his head on his right shoulder. 

Jaimes wrapped his arms around Konig , as he sobbed into his shoulder ,  Jaimes rubbed his back and rocked him just letting the older male cry.  Konig had sniffled , and just leaned into Jaimes not fully body weight but enough to feel close to him ,  Jaime did not mind this  at all as long as Konig was feeling supported and loved that's all that mattered to him.

This was the moment both of them knew they had fallen  hard , but neither of the two wanted to ruin the comfort  that the silence gave them , nor did neither of them want to move  into a different position for comfort.

After a few minutes König moved to where Jaimes was on his lap , Jaimes did not protest allowing him to do whatever felt comfortable  , König kept his head semi buried in Jaimes shoulder  as he held the younger male close. 

Jaimes  slid his hand under König's hood , and waited for the okay to move which he got from him with a small nod ,  Jaimes placed his hand on König's right cheek and ran his thumb  over it. König was somewhat frozen by the treatment  , but eventually nuzzled into Jaimes' hand ,  which got him a small chuckle from  Jaimes. 

Jaimes  looked at his watch  saying "We should go get dinner you slept that long" and he got up. After Jaimes was up , he went to get something from his desk  ,  Konig watched him curiously  as Jaimes turned to face him holding a key  "I want you to take this . I was gonna originally give it to my brother but after today I changed my mind and thought  you could use a safe space to de compress ya know?" 

Konig  looked at the key , he got up and hugged Jaimes tightly , and Jaimes just groans feeling bones crack. In turn the hug felt nice , Jaimes groaned to see what would happen ,  Konig froze looking down at Jaimes blushing.

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