[ chapter one ] unpacking

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"Arriving at Trost Main Station."

Trost Main Station was huge. She'd never been at a station this big before. The little two-track station she'd come from felt like a joke compared to this. She hauled the one bag she'd taken with her to the bus station. A little disoriented she tried finding the one that would drive her to Building Maria on the University of Trost Campus. In hindsight calculating only a five minute window to transfer from train to bus, had been a little stupid, especially given how little she knew her way around this station. By a miracle she found the right bus and managed to haul herself and her bag in the the second before it drove off. The bus drive added another thirty-five minutes to her already far too long drive. And still, she was glad to have finally managed to get out of that town. Even if it had taken 19 years.

The bus finally arrived at Building Maria. Of the three main dorm buildings, that was the furthest one away. It was also the biggest, though on average it had the smallest dorms. The cheapest option, Maria offered, was a shared room in a four person dorm, so she had applied for a spot in one of those. She had only heard back from the application Wednesday this week and since she didn't really have anybody to help her pack, she was lucky to have made it by Sunday morning before classes started. She took her bag and made her way to the main entrance to the building. Before doing anything else, she sent Sarah a quick text, that she had arrived safely. Though that was more so out of courtesy than anything else. She roamed through the side pockets of her bag to find the sheet of information she had been sent. According to that sheet her dorm should be on the second floor and she shared that room with–

"Coming through!"

Someone bumped into her pretty hard. The surprise of the impact added to the weight she carried around with her, had almost knocked her off her feet. She stumbled a bit before finding stable footing again. Her eyes searched for whoever had run into her. Before her stood a guy with a buzzcut. He seemed about her age. In his hand he held her information sheet.

"Oh, you're headed to 209, my friend lives there. Want me to show you where it is?"

She wanted to protest and ask the guy who the hell he thought he was to just read her sheet like that, when they were total strangers, but he had already run off with it. So, she had nothing left, but to just follow this guy inside.

"I'm Connie, by the way." He grinned looking back at her.

"Carrie." She said, though she was sure he hadn't heard with how quickly he skipped through the halls.

Without any warning he halted in front of a door. Carrie assumed that to be dorm 209.

"Girls! Are you decent?"

He waited exactly one second for an answer before barging in the door. She sighed quietly following him inside.

"I found your new roommate, Sash."

Carrie looked around the room. Two girls stood in the fairly big common room space. One of them looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here. Her blonde hair was about shoulder-length and her eyes mustered Carrie more or less interested. The other had her brown hair semi-neatly tied into a ponytail and her arm buried about elbow deep in a bag of cheese balls.

"Really?" She asked her mouth still full of cheese balls. Her eyes looked past Connie to the new girl. "Hi, 'm Schaffa, nife to meet schu."

Carrie could barely decipher what that girl had said. The other girl, while not looking surprised, seemed pretty annoyed.

"Can you not go a second without eating?" Her voice was monotone, but not rude. "I'm Annie. That's Sasha." She motioned towards the girl that was now pouting, though still munching on her cheese balls.

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