[ chapter five ] empty

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tw: this one is a bigger tw for mentions and graphic-ish depictions of sexual assault. please if you struggle reading it skip the entire italic section towars the middle of the chapter. it's mentioned along the rest of the chapter, so skip it if you have to. if yall need anything i always have an open ear for all. please take care <3


At first Carrie didn't think much of it, when she couldn't for the life of her remember what had happened before she'd fallen asleep. She chalked the pounding in her head up to a standard hangover, not giving it a second thought. It didn't even phase her at first when she didn't recognize what she was wearing. She assumed that they were just Porco's and she hadn't seen these particular items before. The more her eyes adjusted to the rather dim morning light that shone through a tiny gap between the curtains directly onto her face, the more she realized that something was off.

She may not have been in Porco's room that long, but long enough to realize that this room was a lot bigger and that the walls were painted gray, whereas Porco's had been white. The bed was also a lot bigger and softer than she remembered Porco's to be. Not to mention the completely different sheets she was buried under. Slowly but surely it dawned on her, that she should in fact be put off by this situation. If not full on panicked by it.

Her eyes wandered a little more trying to place where the fuck she was. Nothing really seemed to be a clue on her whereabouts. The curtains were drawn almost shut leaving the outside completely up to her imagination. All she knew was that the room had two doors. One to her left and one right across from her. On her right was a desk that was tidied up meticulously beside a stack of sketchbooks that covered one side of it. She had a nagging feeling, that she'd seen those somewhere before.

Annie's dress was sprawled on the office chair in front of the desk and from the looks of it, the dress looked completely ripped. That was going to be easy to explain with absolutely no memory of how it had happened. The girl sighed pulling herself up from the bed. She grabbed the remains of the dress and Mikasa's shoes that had been placed next to the desk. On the desk itself she saw her phone, which strangely was plugged in, and keys, she grabbed both, thoroughly confused as to how they'd gotten here. Just when she was about to make it to the door, it opened. She didn't know what she had expected, but it definitely hadn't been him.

Armed with what Carrie assumed to be water, Eren walked into the room. For a moment her mind blanked completely. Then it dawned on her. The implication of what it meant that she'd woken up basically in the bed of a stranger with no memory of how she'd gotten there, was enough to drive a freezing shudder through her entire body. Even though she knew better, for a moment she couldn't do anything but stare at him, a mixture of terror and disbelief coated her ocean blue eyes.

"I know how this looks." He finally said. The expression in his eyes was strange. "And I can explain all of it."

It looked regretful, but that wasn't all. Safe to say, it confused her. But her confusion was overtaken by anger quickly.

"You better."

She couldn't believe that she'd been dumb enough to get herself in a situation like this and yet something about this was strange. As angry as she was at him for whatever he had done, her mind was racing a mile a minute with possibilities; one worse than the other, something told her that listening to him was worthwhile. She could still avoid him like the plague afterwards. He looked at her once more. His eyes met hers, but something had changed in his expression. It looked all the more regretful, but in a darker way than before. Almost like there was something looming over him, that he couldn't shake off. She should feel nothing but disgust looking at him and yet something stopped her from it. Almost like she'd been handed a jigsaw puzzle with the center pieces missing and only he could apparently fill in the blanks.

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