[ chapter three ] in good hands

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The girls were great. Over the course of just this week, she'd felt herself getting closer to them all. Simply given the proximity Sasha was the one she talked to the most, though Mikasa and Annie were shaping up to becoming great friends as well. Historia was the one she saw the least, as Ymir came by Starbucks pretty much everyday to get the orders for the tattoo shop she worked at.

Over the last few days she had settled into somewhat of a routine with her roommates. It had become a bit of a necessity, since she had still not found her keys. They would drive to class together and meet up for lunch at the cafeteria. Usually Carrie worked in the afternoon, so sometimes the girls came by. It was mostly Sasha, because she knew that Carrie was allowed to take food items home that couldn't be sold anymore. In the evenings they usually watched shows or movies together and most nights Mikasa cooked for the four of them after coming back from her daily workouts.

The morning before the party Carrie had walked to class, since all three of her roommates had Fridays off. It wasn't unusual for students to not take classes on Friday, since most clubs and activities, as well as parties were held then. Carrie didn't have that luxury though. She was lucky however that her Friday class was only an Elective. She'd gone for a class on the history of Modern Art. She wasn't a particularly talented artist, but she'd taken AP Art History in High School already and had hoped to find even more on the subject in this class.

She found the room faster than she had expected, as she was still a little lost on how to navigate this big of a campus. When she walked in, she saw that the lecture hall was already halfway full. In an attempt to blend in a little more than in her class with Ackermann, she sat a little further in the back. Her attempt didn't work all that well, as five minutes later, someone sat right next to her.

"Hey, Carrie Morgan." A familiar voice emerged next to her.

Her head moved toward the voice until she looked into a pair of enticing bright green eyes. Instantly she recognized him as the guy who had helped her to class the other day.


He smiled. "It's Eren."

"Thanks for your help the other day." Carrie returned his smile.

"Don't worry about it." He rummaged in his bag and pulled out a slightly tattered rugged looking notebook. "Aren't you an English Lit major? What are you doing here?"

He placed the notebook next to his laptop that looked to be both expensive and in much better shape. A nagging feeling crept up her mind. She had figured just based on the tuition of this place, that she would not be likely to fit in with the average students that attended Trost University. Her ten year old laptop from eBay looked close to a shutdown next to Eren's state of the art name-brand laptop that probably cost five times her rent.

"Took it as an Elective." She glanced at his notebook eyeing the scribbles and doodles on it. "I take it, you're an Art major?"

He nodded the grin still on his face. Carrie noticed black lines peeking out from collar of his dark green sweater. She caught herself wondering what his tattoo would look like.

"You're in a dorm with Mikasa, Annie and Sasha right?"

Carrie furrowed her brows. Sasha had mentioned that there were others she had yet to meet, so she just assumed Eren was part of their friend group.

"Mika mentioned you the other day." He laughed. "Didn't mean to weird you out."

She shrugged. Mikasa and the others had mentioned that she still hadn't met everyone from their strangely large friend group, but they'd never really managed setting up that lunch Sasha had mentioned due to class and work schedules. Carrie had felt bad about having her schedule packed like that, then again, she really didn't have any other choice.

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