As I Did Today

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I stared at the night sky as I always did. The darkness in it reflected a piece of myself, the stars shining in it seemed to be clinging on the night sky as bits of hope trying to keep the darkness at bay.

The silence there is almost deafening as an empty hollow feeling joins the darkness within. I recalled noticing the feeling the first time, as I did today.

I wondered how long it will take for the darkness to swallow those small bits of hope, once and for all.

I waited and waited for it to happen, as I did everyday. Invariably, I anticipated those stars to perish in the darkness. I waited for the darkness to ultimately triumph over them. A part of me imploring the stars to go away so that it can finally be over. It was sickeningly peaceful here.

Once again, I sighed in defeat as a thread of light took over the darkness at the horizon. Slowly and leisurely, the glaring and scintillating light from the sun illuminated the entire sky. Now, the darkness was gone, but I knew it will return again. I understood its inevitability; I witnessed its return every evening as I did yesterday.

I closed my eyes, recalling my younger self,
In a recurring dream that left me questioning,

"You overlooked everything once again, didn't you?"

"What did I fail to see?" I asked,
And immediately knew the answer.

What I always overlooked was the dawn's inevitable return. I turned blind eye to those bright stars, lingering in the sky even in the morning. I did not realise the fact that every time the sky was enveloped with darkness, the light illuminated it unfailingly afterwards.

I woke up and stood up ignoring the dusk, secretly missing the peaceful night sky. I was so lost in admiring the darkness that I disregarded the light and omni-present stars in the sky, and walked away in disappointment; longing for light but too accustomed with darkness. I didn't realised I only lost every time to myself, as I did today.


[A/N:- And that's the very first free verse I wrote. I believe that poetry is something that's the reader's property, and they can use its meaning in any way they understand it. For me, this poem was about a hopeless narrator overlooking the light and hope in his life. The dusk and dawn are represented as continuous cycle of happiness and grief and how each of them succeeds each other. There is no true happiness or eternal grief and that's a bitter pill one has to swallow in order to look beyond the deception of perfection and eternity in this world. We should be prepared to move on from these phases as we move on from day to night and vice-versa.

I really hope you liked this free verse, every comment means the world to me! Thank you for reading this, would love to talk about your thoughts on this-or any poetry for that matters! And all the critics are wholeheartedly welcome. Let me know my flaws guys...Have a good day ahead <3]


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