Up above

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I rest upon the clouds, so high,

When you're beside me, I could fly.
My heart soars with your embrace,
In your warmth, I find my place.

I pray my eyes will never fail,
To capture your light, an endless trail,
You're the flame too bright to dim,
A radiant glow from within.

When hope wanes, and pain takes hold,
Your voice mends the stories untold.
Drown me in your laughter's sound,
Make us one, forever bound.

Whisk me away from earthly ground,
When life's burdens become too profound,
Take my hand, let's gently sway,
Together, we'll find our way.

Don't let go, not just yet,
Stay with me, no need to fret.
My heart is light as a feather,
Together, we'll face the changing weather.


[A/N: Andddd here comes another pure fluffy poetry for your special someone. There are times we wish we could disappear from reality with them and stay in an undisturbed place as long as we could. This was a very in-the-moment poem for me, so I have not edited or re-wrote this simply because I liked it raw...I do hope you enjoy this one and I'd be very glad to hear ur reviews anytime :) Critics are always welcome, and all those eyes who don't comment are also thanked from the depth of my heart, thank you for reading this...but I really wish you'd let me know ur experience :) have a great reading day ahead x ]

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