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My eyes meet yours for the last time,
Denial still coursing through my every breath,
How could we just part already?
Barely had we finished meeting yet.

My mouth feels heavy with the things left unsaid,
Regrets are churning my insides,
Will there truly be no more rides?
Is this the epilogue written for us?

My mind is my biggest enemy,
It creates oh so beautiful dreams with you already,
Making it harder to put a full stop,
Why did I think I could have it all, was I ever in control, did I truly think I was at the top?

But my heart, oh my heart,
it's weeping with tears of blood,
Still keeping me going but the pain remains in every breath,
Agony of my soul trying to stay indifferent.

I know, I know it feels so ugly,
My eyes can't take out the pain through tears alone.
Why are we ending here? There are so many blank pages left for us, begging to be filled with our laughter and smiles.

Is the pain constricting my chest or is it the facade I'm keeping up? Suddenly it's too hot for me, I need to get out of this imaginary hell.

I forget all that when you flash me your smile, oh your smile that sends me back,
The ugliness within seem to have paused,
As my lips turn themselves upward, returning your smile.

My mind then seem to have stopped fighting with me,
For it conjures pages of our real laughter and joy,
Setting my lungs free, free, f r e e.
Memories of us which heals up my insides.

It reminds me to look at the book we already created,
All consisting of emotions so beautiful,
And for once my heart sends a hug so warm,
It tells me nothing would take away what I already have earned, that it won't be harmed.

I look at you one last time,
Still feeling the pain of my heart and the continuous attempts of my soul for indifference,
But deep within I hear the sound of our joy,
Safe inside, healing the pain and breaking the facade.

When I say "Goodbye" then,
I know it's not our epilogue,
With the book of our memories tucked deep inside,
It merely is a break for us.
Who knows? it might lead to even more beautiful pages, a sequel perhaps, a book without epilogue written only by us.


[A/N: Goodbyes are painful. But there's always the dawn of possibilities waiting for us everyday, not all goodbyes are the end. Not all stories need an epilogue. Cherishing the memories we already made is something we often overlook, but that past belongs to us completely, nobody can change that and that fact makes them even more precious. Tuck those books of memories deep within your heart and let go, maybe we'll get another chance to write series worth of books in the future? The bittersweet part is not knowing, but if we knew, would we be living a life?

Thank you so much for reading this, have a great reading day ahead <33

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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