You look bearlicious.. hah get it? Bear-licious delicious (im so sorry)

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Hello sorry this is a short note, this was kinda rushed at the end (im sorry) and this might be put out later then I expected sorry for that to, thank you for reading this book! Reading your comments make me cry of happiness y'all are all such angels😭✨❤️

-Time skip to when pav is outside the school and coming back from the concert to miles-

-pav's pov-

I jumped of my motorcycle, I stretched my back and took of my helmet, bringing it with me, I locked up my motorcycle to a pole stood up and walked inside the large building.

I walked through the halls of people, saying hi and hello to them, while smiling, as I got to our
Dork I started fiddling with the lock, finally it opens, and I walk inside, noticing the lights where off. I could hear a mumbling sound from the darkness, I turned on the light, to see miles laying face planted into the rug in the living room, I needed a second to process this before I dropped my jacket and struggled to get my shoes off, "Miles are you okay?!" I said as I ran towards him
"Hmm.. ouah, ffffff" he mumbled I let out a slight laugh as I noticed he was in deep sleep, I smiled as I turned him around 'why here though? I thought to myself wanting an explanation.

I started dragging him to his own room "ugh why is he SO HEAVY" I said loudly while basically haven't moved an inc of him, like I'm strong but, this man was heavy when he was in bed.

Suddenly I heard a rough nock on our room, then key noises and then Gwen and Hobie. Wait what? They stood there as I tried dragging miles into his room, I looked at them weirdly "looks like your dragging a dead body" Gwen said while trying hard not to laugh out loud, Hobie and Gwen stared at me for about 2 seconds before laughing they're heart out I stood they're, looking like a serial killer trying to hide the body.

They walked inside after laughing really hard while I stood they're embarrassed, Hobie came towards miles, he bent down, and picked him up by his feat, dragging the upside down miles to his room. I stood they're standing still as a warm hand traveled around me "how are you doing Pav?" It was Gwen, she smiled at me "how did you like the concert?" "It was amazing I loved it!" I said happily, the concert was really good though "glad you liked it!" She said happily.

My phone started buzzing, "ahh..  sorry" I said as I picked up my phone from my cold pocket, picking it up and seeing my father call me, I should pick up so I put the phone up to my ear "hello dad anything wrong?"  I said worried I heard sad muffling and crying "dad?" "Pavitr... your mother, she's dead" my eyes widened as I felt tears in my eyes forming "I'll call, you later dad I can't really talk" I put the phone down as I clicked the button to stop the call and turned it off "what did he said?" Gwen asked, it left like I couldn't breathe, and tears had started to form, falling from my face.

I had to get out of they're. I turned my face down to face the floor "I need to go to the bathroom" I said as I stormed off, but I might have been a little muffled in my voice cause Gwen stopped me, "pav is everything okay?" "Yes! Now let me go to the bathroom!" I said with a sad voice as I moved myself out of Gwen's grip, walking towards the bathroom, I went in and, I felt so heavy, I closed the door and locked it falling towards the floor, feeling great comfort from the warmth and calmness.

Then the tears came, it drenched my face and my clothes as my knees where in my arms with my chest, I started muffiling and made crying noises I wanted to call my dad and ask him about everything, she couldn't be dead, Right? My crying started to get more intense, I shouldn't cry, I wasn't supposed to cry, I had learnt how to not cry, why was I FUCKING CRYING, STOP CYING I shouted to myself, why was I crying, my father had thought me how to be a man and not cry, but I had heard him cry for the first time.

I heard someone say my name "pav? Are ya' k?" I heard it was Hobie "pav open up please" that was Gwen. I didn't have any plans to, I didn't want my friends to see the happy guy, just with tears, i wiped away as many tears as i possibly could, it wasn't helping, I tried walking toward the sink but my legs felt weak and heavy so I just moved to the other side of the room, put my hand on the counter and got my little mirror to see how much damage the crying had caused, not to much but my eyes where wet, and my checks where red.

"Pav if ya dont' answer 'm kicking the door down, so don't be close to the door ay?"
I tried talking but I couldn't, I put the mirror down and looked up.
They're was a window, I had an extra suit in my bathroom drawer, I got an idea
I opened the drawer and took the suit, I struggled as I put the suit on and put the mask on "pav 'm coming in they're" I had to hurry as I heard a bang towards the bathroom door, I couldn't let them see me like this, I just couldn't I struggled to get out of the window, when I finally came out of it I heard the bathroom door open behind me, "Pav..!" I heard Hobie say as I got up and started webbing away with the silk string.

                                                                    -Hobie' pov-

I finally crashed the door open looking up seeing Pav in his suit, "pav..!" I said while he started standing up and beginning to swing away, I turned around to look at Gwen " 'm find him ya take care of miles.." Gwen nodded as I ran out the door room to go get my suit, I ran to my room swiftly putting my cold suit on and began swinging out of the window, on the hunt to look for pav.

I had been swinging for around 20 minutes feeling the cold wind going trough my suit touching my skin, then I saw him, he laid down on the black flat roof, I started smiling I finally found him, but then I started to panic, when I last saw him he looked panicked as I could only see his back as he when through his bathroom window, he might be sad so I should be careful not to make him even sadder or annoyed.

I webbed towards him he clearly noticed this but he didn't seem to care, I landed not to far from him, as I walked over and sat down with him "ey pav" I smiled at him as I pulled off my mask, he turned away, not seeming like in the mood to talk, me getting slightly annoyed I grabbed his face to turn him towards me, feeling how wet his mask was, I pulled it off making him look at me.

"I look pathetic, I'm crying and I don't know what to do", he said as he pulled his face around, this was the first time I've ever seen him cry, "your not pathetic pav" I said with the most calming voice I could while I put my hand around him to help soothe him "yes I am Hobie, I shouldn't cry, I'm not meant to.. cry" I squished him closer to me

"Don't worry 'u can cry with 'm" I said reassuringly, I felt horrible he was so mad at himself for crying and I was bad at comforting it was hard and I didn't understand how to.

He leaned his head on my shoulder "thank you Hobie, thank you, but I don't cry or else they will get mad at me" he was acting different then he normally was, this was weird, what should I say now? Shit.. Shitt what the hell do I do, should I say something? Should I do something? Should I kiss him? What if he didn't want to be kissed? Wait why was he even letting me kiss him?
I'll think about that later now what do I do?

I grabbed his chin "pav look at 'm" I said while turning him towards me, "I'm not in the mood Hobie" he said sadly, "m' wasn't going to kiss ya" I pulled in and held him in a tight hug it took some time before he gave in and hugged me back.

I'll try to publish the next chapter soon!

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