🕸️ They are binding cobwebs 🕸️

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                                              -Hobie's POV-

Shit shit, what the hell do I do now, how long should I hug him, should I pull closer, or maybe away from him what would he like? I don't know. Ugh this is so frustrating,  he doesn't want to kiss so what if I kiss his forehead, yes, maybe that will help?  Maybe he wants a head pat? I don't knowww, I pulled away and just looked at him for awhile, i leaned over to his forehead and pressed my lips towards it,

He seemed he was calm so I pulled away and asked "now what ' happened pav, why did ya hide from 'm?"
I waited for an answer, this took longer then expected I was about ready to give up,  but then "my mother died" he said I stood they're frozen, what the hell do I do now? HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO COMFORT A DEPRESSED MAN WHOSE MOTHER JUST DIED?! I was internally screaming and being clueless, okay okay,  "may I kiss you?" He said, I looked at him confused, "didn't chu want not to kis?" He leaned over and pressed his lips onto mine, I dragged him closer to me.

                                                        -Gwen's pov-

I looked out of the window in the kitchen as miles was eating the soup I had gave him, I opened it up and could feel the wind bluffering trough me, I looked up at a familiar roof top, and I swear I could see pav, and Hobie kissing it looked like thy where the same person just if you looked hard enough they where kissing I smiled to myself, I looked over at miles, he's a little stupid spider.

                                                            -pavitr's pov-

I pulled away from Hobie not wanting for it to be a very heated kiss, I just basically jumped onto him hugging him tightly, why did I do that, ugh I was so stupid, can't go back in time now.
So I just hugged him tightly, he was warm, but also very cold at the same time, hard to explain, but mostly cold, he had a warm stomach, I started shivering off the coldness, in the wind, it was refreshing but comon I had a moment here.
I pulled away, stood up and just basically looked at him, "we should head back yeah?" He said as he also stood up, well it wouldn't harm me so I nodded, god was I ready to fall asleep, I was tired of everything, I put my mask back on, he was about to do the same but before he put it on he was smirking, god what is this lion wanting now, he slipped on his mask walked over to me, and grabbed me placing me over his shoulder "HOBIE, what I'm the hell are you doing?!" I screamed I could easily get off him without any assistance, he started webbing while holding me in place, I didn't like this, so I pointed my hand over to a tall tree close by, and webbed over to it, i slipped out of hobie's grip and got on my own feet again, sorry own webs again.

"Ya little punk" he said after me "says you" I smiled back, he had helped me nearly forget about my mothers death, I wasn't like extremely sad, cause she was mean and bad but Comon when your mother dies you gotta be a bit sad.

We jumped in trough the window of me and Miles's living room, I saw Gwen sitting in our couch with miles in her lap I smiled at them after pulling my mask off, Gwen looked up and smiled back "you okay now pav?" she asked I nodded slightly, I wasn't quite sure if I was or wasn't but that didn't matter, I walked over to the bathroom, as I had my spare suit on and not my main, I opened the door and closed it, locked it.
I took of my suit and placed it in the cabinet, I put on some spare pant I had lying around I smiled to myself, unlocked the door and walked out, Hobie was still in his suit, while sitting down with Gwen and miles who was still sleeping, I walked over to my room to get something more comfortable since the spare clothes in the bathroom was uncomfortable and more made for party clothes I opened the door, I didn't bother locking it cause no one's going to walk in on me changing, I took of the clothing I was already wearing and walked to my closet to pick out something comfy, I took out a pair of baggy sweatpants and a hoodie with ant antennas and a pair of kitty socks

(I'm sorry I just really wanted to draw him in an ant hoodie with antennas and kitty socks 😭✨👌👍 I'll show a pic when I'm done drawing it probably in the next chapter)

I put it on, and walked out of my bedroom I was finally comfy and warm, i liked being warm I sat down on the couch next to Hobie and leaned my head on his shoulder "chu an ant.?" Hobie asked "mhhm" I mumbled back I looked up to see him get wide eyes, as gwen chuckled. We sat they're talking the whole night as miles was sleeping, I love these guys they make me so happy I thought to myself as we where talking I smiled at them.

Sorry this was sorta a shorter chapter I just really don't have the time or energy
I will try to get out a new chapter soon but I have a flight in 3 days and I'm going to stay at a friends house, but I will try to make more and I will definitely try to get a pic of pav in an ant costume with kitty socks and baggy pants ✨❤️👌👍

See y'all in the next chapter! Bye!✨❤️👌👍

Basically blind -chaipunk-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ