Chapter 2

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As the alarm beeped, I hit the clock and accidentally hit my hand on the floor due to my mattress being on the ground as I hadn't set up anything yet. My mom entered the room and reminded me to get ready for school, placing my backpack on the floor. She also mentioned that I could go to the store after school to purchase the necessary things. After getting off my mattress, I picked out an outfit from my suitcase and changed in the bathroom. Content with my choice, I remarked to myself about how much I liked the outfit. I really enjoyed the attire I was wearing. After collecting my bag, I proceeded to descend the stairs. Waving goodbye to my parents, I made my way to my jeep. Turning on my preferred track, I sang along as I drove to school. Upon arriving, I parked and exited the vehicle with my bag in tow. As I walked, I felt the weight of everyone's gaze on me. Among the crowd, a group of boys caught my attention, with the one sporting a black slicked-back hair giving me a creepy smirk. The other two, one with a mullet and the other with short hair, along with the larger boy, also turned their heads my way. Despite their attention, I disregarded them and headed towards the entrance. I made my way to the front office with a smirk on my face, got the details of my classes, and exited the office. However, my haste led me to bump into a curly red head, who picked up her dropped bag.bAs I helped her pick up her books, she asked if we had met before. Introducing myself as Luna, she inquired if I was new to the school before we shook hands."I'm Beverly" she said as she put her books in her bag. "Want to be friends" she asked as she zipped her bag up. "Yea sure" I said picking my own bag up. "Oh watch out for the Bowers gang they bully me and my friends and a girl name Greta" she said looking at me. BULLY I will kill those little punks myself. I waved her bye and went to my first period. I walked in and the teacher asked me to introduce myself and tell them my favorite colors and stuff. "Sup I'm Luna Moon and my favorite color is Black and dark Green" I said and she waved me over to a seat. I took a seat next to that bleach blonde from early.
Time skip
It is the end of the day and I walked out of school head to my car when Beverly comes running up to me. "LUNA" she comes yelling to me. I turned around real quick "Bev what happened" I ask her worried. "The Bowers gang they are bully my friends again and won't stop" she said as soon as she said that my anger started fuming. I may not know these kids but I'm already pissed that some punks want to bully them. "Show me" I said right away which took her by surprise but she started to walk over to them and I followed. "Did you s-say s-s-something B-B-bil" the mullet boy said to the boy I guess is Bill. I stood by the tree so no one saw me. He is just teasing them but if he touches them I will put him on his butt. That's when I notice him turn to Beverly. "Look it's the slut" he said pushing Bill to the ground and turn the boy with glasses to face Beverly. That's it I had enough of this shit. I walked from the tree over to the kids. "Sup little boy" I said to Mullet boy, hearing a giggle from Beverly. He look at me and looked me up and down. "Take a picture it last longer" I said which made Beverly laugh and I noticed the bleach blonde also wanted to laugh but he was trying not to so his friend "Mullet boy" doesn't get mad. "Look the new slut can speak" he laugh turning to his friends. "So Being a slut is a thing around here huh what does that make you?" I asked trying not to laugh but Beverly is already dieing of laughter which makes Mullet boy mad. "You better watch yourself and for you Bill you got off easy because of your brother and you new girl the names Herny" he said looking at me. "I would say nice to meet you but that would be a lie, and the names Luna remember that weirdo" I said that and grabbed Beverly's hand and walked off and the boys followed behind. We all stopped by my Jeep. " that was cool what you did, Luna" the boy with glasses said. "Thanks but I don't know yalls names" I said. " Ok this is Richie, Stanley Eddie, Ben, Mike, and Bill" Beverly said pointing out each boy to me. I went to say something when a girl came up to Beverly and pushed her to the Ground. "Oops I didn't see you slut" the girl said. I walked up to her and the boys helped Beverly up. "Who is you bitch" I said stepping in front of the girls face. "The name is Greta I'm the Queen of this school" she said moving her hands to her hips. "I'm the Queen of this school!! Sorry honey, but the only thing ruling here is my laughter" I said laughing my butt off. She then slap me and oh did that make me pissed. I grabbed her by her throat which took her by surprise. Her girls tried to stop me but I simply kicked them in the guts and they felled. Beverly was laughing her butt off while the boys just stood there in shock. I held on to Gretas throat "ever touch Beverly again and that's the last thing you will do" I said to her, dropping her to the ground and then I turned to her friends. "Yalls names!!" I said to the two. "I'm Emily and she is Brooke" Emily said. "You two can be my friends" I said to the two they looked surprised but stood up and smiled. "You two say bye to Greta" I said. They flipped her off for all the crap she made them do and they walked off. "How did you do that" Richie said looking shocked. I said idk and got in my jeep and drove off. I pulled up into the drive way and went inside. I went up the said into my room I started to put my clothes in my dresser that I guest my parents brought in when I was at school. I set my bed up now it ain't on the floor. I hear creepy giggle so I turn around to see a Clown. "Want to float- um what's your name?" The clowns asked surprised he didn't know my name. "Luna" I said tilting my head side ways and he did the same. "Anyway you will float like all the other kids" the clown said. "Dude what's your name?" I asked definitely not sounding scared who would be scared of this damn clown. "Pennywise the dancing clown" he said doing a stupid dance. Then he disappeared. I walked down stairs, grabbed my keys and went to the store to get stuff I needed. I sat everything where it goes in my room. I finish setting my room up and putting stuff away. I went to my bathroom and I put my pajamas on and I layed down on my bed and soon I fell asleep.

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