Silver Creek Academy

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When I wake up in the morning it's to my awful sounding phone alarm, which i swear i changed. Reluctant to get up i did, at 5:30 in the morning. Slightly earlier then i normally get up. The shower i took was quick and slightly to scolding, guess i wasn't paying great attention. I half struggle into a white lace crop top and floral flowing skirt. I grab my bag and breakfast to eat on my way to school.

As I walk though the golden plated gate, entertaining the yard, that surrounded the school just like the fence, my nerves calm and I begin to shake less. The school was like a slightly smaller, made of way more marble version of the royal castle.

Before entering the large, already open, dark stained oak doors, I take a long deep breath. I cross over the threshold and head straight to the principals office, which I thankfully know where it is. A few weeks ago she gave me a tour of the campus because unlike everyone else I don't know where anything is.

Once at the principals office i'm almost let in immediately. The dark, golden lettered plate on the desk reads "Mrs. Lauren Solstice" then underneath "Principal of Silver Creek Academy". She is a grey eyed, brown and underneath dyed purple hair. She hands me my schedule and a few other important papers.

"Have a good day Sage, stay out of trouble" she breathed, winking at me.

I wandered out of the office confident in being able to find my way.

I somewhat slowly find my locker and put a few things into it. The lockers are an odd pale blue color with gold accents. Other students start to filter by me, easily finding their classes and lockers.

Skimming over the papers Mrs. Solstice gave me I realized they would be easier to look at when I get home. Turing my attention to my schedule I see my first class is English.

Sighing, I close my locker and start to head down the halls. My eyes wander the walls, looking at club posters and room numbers.

Eventually i find my english class as i step in an older looking man looks in my direction and immediately knows i'm the new student. He points to an open seat for me to sit in.

I sit calmly in my seat and listen to some music before class starts.

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