Feeling New Feelings

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I sat at the table, silently watching Cyrus clean up after breakfast. I couldn't help staring at them, she just seemed so perfect standing there in one of my sweatshirts.

"You're really pretty" I blurted out immediately feeling flustered.

"Oh, thank you. You're really pretty too." they replied seeming flustered as well. I had no response because in my head I was hitting myself, just telling myself saying that was stupid.

"Everything alright Sage?" she asked, turning around to look at me.

I looked up at her, "oh yeah, Im okay.."

"You sure? Your face is pretty red." Cyrus stated sitting down across from me.

"Yup I'm great" I said getting up and going to sit on the couch.

Cyrus came over and sat next to me, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I promise" I spat back.

Cyrus turned quiet, "I'm sorry. Everything is okay." I murmured turning to them.

"You should probably go home soon" I stated quietly.

"yeah.. I'll uh, go get my stuff and get ready to leave." she replied, getting up quietly.

I got up and pulled them into a tight hug, "You can leave whenever you want." I muttered in her ear as she hugged me back and nodded.

We stayed there hugging for awhile, a lot longer than I think either of us intended. Suddenly Cyrus's phone started ringing and messages started going though. She took her phone out of her pocket and answered it, still holding me close to them.

I tried to not to listen to much to her conversation, or what seemed like conversations, so I just had my ear to her chest listening to their heartbeat.

She rubbed the back of my shoulder with her thumb then moved her hand down to my waist and pulled me closer, squeezing my waist a little.

After what seemed like ages Cyrus finally put her phone back in her pocket.

"I'm sorry I gotta go home. I'll see you at school beautiful." she grinned, pulling away from me.

I waited downstairs for them to pack up and as  she seemingly floated down the stairs almost like a princess, "Want me to walk home with you?" I asked simply.

"No it's alright, i'll get you your sweatshirt Monday?" she smiled

"That sounds good, see you then" I smiled back to her.

"Okay" and with that I watched her walk out my front door and all i could feel was happiness while thinking about them.

Green Sage Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang