Chapter 9

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Luke's POV

It's been a week now since Calum didn't attend school.

His chair beside me is always empty and I'm not used to it.

Seeing Calum beside me makes me happy. He's my energizer in everyday.

I don't know. It's just... I can't explain.

The first subject is boring. And the rest of the class is boring. I'm pissed and I have no one to talk to.

My teachers ask me if I am sick and I answered no. It's just I'm not happy to attend school especially knowing that Calum is absent.


Calum's POV.

It's been one month I've been staying here in Veron's place and decided to home study. I took all my subject modules to my teachers and study in the temporary room that Veron gave me. I heard from my neighbors when I go to my job that there's a boy who constantly visiting my flat; a white tall blonde with nice hair, Luke.

I met a boy who lives besides in Veron's house named Shawn Mendes. We became bestfriend for one reason... A guitar.


It was Niall's birthday and there's so many unfamiliar visitor's in his house. The music was so loud. But I  don't know anyone and all I did is to drink and eat tons of food.

While I'm sitting in the bar, in Veron's backyard someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey you're drinking too much" a boy with nice hair and voice.

I looked at him half drunk while continue drinking. He laughed and grabbed the glass I've been holding.

"I'm Shawn!" He said loudly moving near my ear so I can hear it because of the very loud music.

"So what if I drink a lot?!" I said in an angry tone.

"I saw you here and you're alone so I decided to approach you and talk to you because I don't know anyone here" he said softly but I heard it.

"Really? I don't know anyone here either. Veron's my childhood bitch friend and I've been staying here for a month now" I said as I looked at him.

"Let's go" he said as we go far away from the bar.

He took me in his shoulder because I'm half drunk but I'm really sure that I know what I'm doing.

We made our way on one of the bench in Veron's garden and I saw a guitar beside it. He took the guitar and played random relaxing music.

"I lived few walks from here. Veron's my neighbor since I moved out here" he said.

I wonder how did he has the guts to talk to me even though he knows that I'm drunk haha.

"Do you study or..." I asked and he cuts off.

"No. I finished high school last year and that's it. No college" he answered and continue to play guitar.

"Hey you're actually good at this huh?" I said pointing in his guitar.

"Thanks" he chuckled. "I am a guitar player in my school back then and I'm actually working on my first song" he continue

"Wow really. I don't even know a chord haha" I answered and we both laugh.

"No but seriously. I don't" i said seriously.

"You know, it's kinda hard at first but it's worth the time. If you want I can teach you in my house" he offered.

"Really? That's cool" I said as I punched him in his biceps. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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