13. Broken Coffee Cups

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"So when are you going to shift to the new apartment?" Jimin asks Taehyung, as they take a note of what was written on the board in front of them. It has been a week since Taehyung has joined the university now.

"Hmm maybe this weekend? I don't know about Jeongguk though..." Taehyung replies, his eyes shifting between the board and his notebook aand his hands busy writing the notes.

"Oh he might shift later I think, because he is living with his Namjoonie hyung right now. And according to him, his Namjoonie hyung doesn't want him to leave so early... But Jeongguk wants to live near the university so that, it will be easy for him to travel back and forth from here. He had to live with Namjoon hyung as his previous apartments rent increased. Also his roommate was a sort of a play boy, constantly sleeping around with girls who sometimes even invaded Jeongguk's personal space you know. So he finally decided to find a new one. But since he has been living with Namjoon hyung for quite a few months, it will be difficult to just leave abruptly... I guess..."

Jimin spills the whole tea in one go... But doesn't miss to copy a word into his notebook from the board in front of his eyes.

Taehyung absorbs the whole information silently as he wonders who this Namjoon hyung could be?

He has heard the name somewhere...


Oh yes!

It was the man Jin was talking about a few days back when he visited him to tell him about the whole Jeongguk thing.

He told how the man broke two cups of coffee simultaneously.

And when Jin was called by one of the waiters to handle the 'issue', he was pissed at first and was ready to rap in anger but when he saw him, all his anger vanished upon seeing the man's dimple (apologetic) smile who was also willing to pay for the broken cups... So he let it be...

Taehyung chuckles remembering how his hyung was so flustered talking about that man...

Is he the same Namjoon?? He thinks.

"What's got you laughing Taehyungie??" Jimin asks as he puts a full stop to the last sentence of the passage he was copying. Now focusing his eyes on Taehyung.

"Nothing I just remembered something, I think I have heard this name Namjoon from my Jin hyung. So I was wondering if it was the same Namjoon.." Taehyung replies finishing his work as well.

"Ohh Jin hyung? Your cafe owner hyung right? " Jimin asks.

"Yess" Taehyung says. "By the way you wanted to meet him right? I was planning to visit him after the university... Would you like to come??" He asks.

"Of course! I really need a refreshment after all these hectic hours in university. I'll come along with you. And one more thing, I am going to help Jeongguk shift his belongings so if you also need any help you can ask me anytime. Hmm? " Jimin says.

"Okkie then but I don't have much belongings as I only came with some 2-3 luggage bags only, that contained clothes and basic necessities... So it won't be a problem for me to shift." Taehyung replies with a shrug.

And they both continue their small talks as the teacher now tells them to note another page in their notebooks.



Taehyung has now successfully shifted in the apartment and he was more than happy to live there. The neighborhood and the neighbors were all great.

He faced no problem shifting in the apartment as the hotel staff volunteered to transport his luggage to the apartment provided the amount of days he had been staying there.

And of course his Jin hyung and Jimin also helped him arrange the belongings in place.

He was happy that Jin and Jimin got along really well since the day him and Jimin visited the cafe. They both had outgoing personalities making it no difficult for them to befriend each other.

In this one week, Taehyung didn't have any interaction with Jeongguk but he was aware of the fact that the other was also planning to shift anytime soon as he has started shifting some of his belongings like clothes and books, to ease the overall shifting process.

Currently, Taehyung was sitting on the comfortable sofa. He just took a shower and was now wearing a big oversized shirt and shorts.

He was all wraped up in a fluffy blanket, a packet of chips in hands, surfing through the channels on the TV. He looked outside the window momentarily just to see that it was raining heavily, more like a thunderstorm.

Taehyung, not like any other main characters in a story, wasn't scared of thunderstorms but he surely didn't like the sound that the thunders made.

Ignoring the rain he again focused on the channels and finally found a movie channel. It seemed like it was showing a horror movie. And Taehyung, being curious little bee he was, took the packet of chips in hands again and started watching the movie.

He munches on his chips slowly as he watches the scene...

The scene in the movie showed a girl walking in an abandoned mansion while saying, "is someone out there?".

Suddenly the lights of the mansion go out as she sees a door moving back and forth trying to get opened on its own. She hears a click and then hears footsteps approaching her. She moves to her right and then-

The TV switches off.

The lights in Taehyung's and Jeongguk's apartment went out. Now he surely gets scared for real.

He widens his eyes as he hears the main door moving on its own as if someone was trying to open it...

Then he hears a click and then some footsteps approaching him. He turns his head towards the entrance and-



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