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//Yuugi to Yami Mind Link//

\\ Yami to Yuugi Mind Link\\


Yami turned on his side, unable to sleep. How could he sleep? His Hikari was stuck in that Ra-damned hospital, in a freaking coma! All because of him.

Yami gave a quiet, bitter laugh at the irony. He was the one who was supposed to protect Yuugi from harm... And it was the boy's guardian who had driven him into that road. Into the path of that car. Into the hospital bed he rested in about eleven kilometers(1) away from here.

It's not like the small family hadn't been through enough, as it was.

Sugoroku Mutou, Yuugi's grandfather and only remaining relative, had been given legal custody over the boy when he was four, and his parents were killed in a car accident. His wife, Saya Mutou, had been suffering from pancreatic cancer at the time, and passed seven months later. Raising a child on what he earned from his out-of-home game store, they'd had their fair share of trials.

Yuugi was out of place from the start. He was imaginative, but shy and soft-spoken. A prime target for bullies. He'd survived on games and pure innocence to the cold world around him. It wasn't until about three or so years ago, when Yuugi finished the Sennen Puzzle and released Yami's soul from inside, that things began looking up. He made friends, saved his grandfather from certain doom, saved the world, and became the King of Games. Apparently, he'd fallen in love, too.

Yami groaned into his pillow, guilt swelling into a deep, uncontrollable rage. His fist tightened into the pillow, and he had the sudden need to hit something.

He smacked the top of his alarm clock as it sounded. Hard.

It would suffice... for now.


The morning went by in a blur of dull sounds and color and anxious faces. By this point, everyone had heard of his aibou's condition, what with being the King of Games, and all...

He hated the glances. The stares. The pointing fingers and quiet whispers. "Can I help you with something?" he snarled at a pair of girls who looked to be in their freshman year. They had been gawking at his back and whispering- quite loudly, if he may add. They gave quiet gasps, and quickly scurried away. Yami exhaled sharply, and shoved his belongings into his locker as the lunch bell rang. Taking a homemade bento box with him, the former spirit stormed outside.

The gloomy weather did little to raise his mood any. The sky was painted in morbid shades of black and gray, looming with the threats of another rainstorm. Cold wind whipped his untameable crown of hair backwards, conveniently pushing his jagged gold banges from his eyes

He passed Jou, Honda, and Anzu, who called quiet greetings that were ignored. He didn't feel like talking. His crimson eyes flickered darkly, an aura of depression, worry, and deep rage radiating from his presence in waves. The Sennen Puzzle hung from his neck. Yuugi- he flinched internally at the name- had given it to his Yami when he'd gained his own body. A 'lucky charm', his little one had described it as...


"Mou hitori no boku!" came a childlike voice, followed by rapid footsteps. A tall, pale man turned around to see a what looked to be a smaller copy of himself running up to him. Immediately taking the defensive, Yami met the boy halfway.

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