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Yay! Only three more chapters left! :3

And ignore the derp time-skip. I didn't really want to bore you guys with pointless crappily written filled chapters. cuz I suck at those lol.

Somewhat of a Trigger Warning: Dark content, referring to suicide, in this chapter. Just letting you know.




//Yuugi to Yami Mind Link//

\\Yami to Yuugi Mind Link\\


Four days quickly turned to three. Three slid into two. And two... well, two was slowly, ominously creeping its path to one last day. But, for now, Yami had two days left. Two precious, all-to-short sunrises and sunsets. And he spent all of those days, shut away with Yuugi in hospital room #37, holding his hand in a solemn silence. The nurses and he were on a first-name basis now. They convinced him to go home, for a few hours at least, and rejuvenate. They coaxed him into going to the hospital cafeteria to eat. They brought the bad news of Yuugi's lack of response to their treatments.

But Yami didn't hold them responsible. No, it was HIS fault his Little One was here, wasting away on a 35% survival rate. 'Oh, Hikari,' he thought sadly, rubbing his thumb in small circles over the back of Yuugi's pale hand, 'What I would do to be replacing you in this damnable place.' He brushed a lock of limp golden hair behind Yuugi's left ear, when the soft opening of a door breached his dulled senses.

Yami looked up to see a friendly young woman, in her late 20s, walk inside with a clipboard in-hand. She was around five-foot-six, with an hourglass figure and long, auburn hair that pooled around her shoulders in neat ringlets. Her doe-like eyes shone with a sad greeting. "Ohayõgozaimasu, Yami-san," she said kindly, closing the door behind her as she entered.

Yami offered her a polite smile, though he knew it lacked any real happiness. "Ohayõ, Shizumi-san," he returned evenly. Shizumi Nagasaki was Yuugi's personal nurse. She ran tests and checked up on the conditions of his healing wounds and sent results of his brain wave activities to the higher-ups for diagnosis.

They still say he'll never wake up. But... But he will. Yuugi was a strong young man. He'd pull through, just fine. 'He has to...'

Yami kindly (though reluctantly) left his Aibou's bedside, and stood safely at the side of the room. He patiently, though a bit tensely, for the young woman to take her usual notes, etcetera, on his little one's condition. She faltered when she went to leave the room, hesitantly glancing at Yami over her shoulder.

He edged closer to his post at Yuugi's bedside, gazing at her with sad, yet questioning crimson eyes. She bit her lip, and sighed, looking away again.

"They... They say one of the last senses a person looses is the ability to hear..." she murmured quietly, and Yami tipped his head curiously to the side. "It's said to be like that so... so that, e-even if they're unconscious when they pass away, the person can still hear their friends and family say goodbye, and that they love them."

And without another word, Nagasaki-san left the room.

Yami stood there for a moment, staring blankly at the space the nurse had been seconds before. He pondered over her words. Had Yuugi been hearing him this entire time? He dared to feel the hope spike in his chest.

Could he convince his partner to reawaken?

Returning to his vigil at his Light's side, Yami hesitated before taking a limp hand in his own once again. He squeezed it gently, fighting back another surge of tears. 'Ie,' he decided mentally, posture straightening, 'I've done far to much of that lately. I must be strong for Yuugi.' His grip strengthened slightly, eyes growing softer.

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