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More angsty goodness!

sorry if this chapter's quality is kinda low. I'm currently struggling through a writer's block 





//Yuugi to Yami Mind Link//

\\ Yami to Yuugi Mind Link\\


Jounouchi Katsuya had been through just about anything one could find surprising.

He's been possessed by ancient Egyptian spirit, sucked into the Shadow Realm, had his soul stored inside his favorite monster card of Duel Monsters, seen his best buddy become 'overshadowed' by another (albeit much nicer) ancient Egyptian spirit, seen as his best pal's soul was sealed away by some freak with long seafoam green hair, saw as the soul of an ancient Pharaoh came back to life in flesh-and-blood, and just about everything else. So, he thought he would be prepared for anything when he ditched the remained of school and followed Yami to the hospital. He expected either solemn or pissed off expressions, vows of vengeance against whoever was dumb enough to land Yuug' in the hospital, or just that overall confidence that seemed to smother anyone else within a mile radius like obnoxious fumes.

What he DIDN'T expect to see was a pale former pharaoh slouched over in a chair with eyes rivaling that of water faucets. The blond walked inside with an almost cautious creep in his step. "Hey, Yami," he greeted quietly, closing the door behind him. Yami glanced up at him briefly. His expression showed a flicker of surprise, before hardening like stone. He discreetly wiped any hints of moisture from his face, and returned to his position; In an uncomfortable plastic chair at Yuugi's bedside, firmly holding one of the younger's limp hands in his own.

Jou leaned against the wall, propping one foot to press up against the clean, white washed surface. The silence in the room (despite the sluggish beeps sounding from the heart monitor) was extremely awkward for the Brooklyn-accented highschooler. He looked over at the docile man at his best friend's bedside, eyes narrowed in thought. He had come here prepared to give the man a rather thorough tounge-lashing, no matter how badly he felt for the former spirit.

"So..." he started somewhat nervously, "You, uh, really did a number on that oversized prick." Yami gave a terse nod, his face remaining stoic. Jou took the following quiet as a sign to continue.

"Not that I'm sayin' he didn't deserve it... but I almost want to pity the guy," he relaxed a small breath. "I mean, yeah, he had it comin' to him for a long time, b-but..." He shuddered in a mixture of fear and outrage. "Yami, you almost crushed the guy's windpipe."

Yami looked up, scarlet eyes cold and unforgiving. He rose one brow in a quizzical, but disinterested, expression. "So?" he grumbled with a voice completely void of emotion. Jou's eyes widened in something akin to disbelief.

"SO?" he echoed, words having the smallest of tremors to them. Yami merely blinked.

"SO, Yami, you could've killed him!" the teen prompted with a growl. "I know he's said and done some bad things- Hell, I wish it was ME who choked him out today- but you nearly crushed his throat, Yam'! That would have killed him!" He repeated the statement twice, trying to drill that notion through this pharaoh's surprisingly thick skull. Yami merely looked away. "And?"

Jou just about exploded. "AND, think about this, Pharaoh," he basically spat the word 'Pharaoh' like a venomous cobra. "Do you think Yuugi would've been happy if he found out you killed someone at his expense? I so NOT think so!" It was Yami's turn to burst.

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