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Jack found his car covered in a fluffy pile of snow and parked next to a graffitied wall. It had taken him a while to figure out where Pitch had parked it but a few car alarms later he found his little Grey pregnant roller skate, but he was relieved when he finally did. What bothered him though, was that the windshield was not broken. He specifically remembered all the glass that had fallen onto him, where had it come from then. The glass was perfectly in tact with no sign of impact anywhere visible to him. His white eyebrows furrowed and he stared intently at the car, as if willing it to tell him what happened.

His intent stare was broken by a cold wetness dropping onto his nose. His eyes widened in surprise before he let out a laugh. He stuck his tongue out and caught a snowflake on his tongue. He stared in amazement at the snowflake on his tongue. It just sat there, not melting like he had fully expected it to. He felt another bubble of laughter pull itself out of his mouth and for the first time since his...accident several years ago he felt like jumping into the snow and dancing around.

Before he could do just that, his phone began to ring. He could hear the incessant buzzing from his place outside the car and began to laugh again. He turned the keys into the door and pulled it open. Jumping inside he picked up his phone and glanced at the caller I.D. A picture of Loki wearing a sombrero popped up on the screen next to a green phone symbol. Jack shrugged and hit decline, tossing the phone into the passenger seat. Loki could wait for a minute. Jack only had twenty six minutes to get to work, and he wanted to spend them singing along to the radio. After turning on the car he jammed up the radio, rolled down the windows and drove off.

Pitch gazed out the coffee shops window with gobsmacked look on his face. Jack had pulled up just a block before the shop and Pitch heard him before he saw him.

"If ya' wanna be my lover, you gotta' get with my friends!" He watched him turn off his car and do a little dance, still singing although the music was off.

"Make it last forever, friendship never ends!" He hit the high note with no difficulty at all, Walking with a spring in his step the whole way to the shops door. The restaurant wasn't as busy now, seeing as it was Tuesday. They always had less business on Tuesdays and Pitch for the life of him could never figure out why. The quiet chitter chatter in the shop made it all to much easier to hear Jack singing. Jack had switched from the spice girls to whistling Christmas tunes. Jack opened the door with a bright smile.

"Hiya boss!" He practically chirped in greeting. Pitch briefly wondered if that spell had messed up more than just Jack's eyes, before shaking off the thought.

'Unfortunately', thought Pitch

'People are allowed to be happy every now and then.' He shook his head at his newest employee.

"This is not the Christmas Cafe, why are you whistling Christmas tunes?" He crossed his arms to further his point. Something crossed Jack's eyes but was gone before he could decipher what it had been. Jack gave a hearty laugh,

"Sorry, just got caught up in the winter spirit!" Jack couldn't seem to stop moving around so he strode over to Pitch,

"So what am I doing today?" His eagerness to work made Pitch feel a little uneasy. He had never seen someone look so happy to work in a cafe in his entire life.

"Yes...Well today will be the same as yesterday. The only baked goods needing to be distributed, I made this morning." Jack nodded and made his way past Pitch, and to the counter. Pitch shivered when an unexpected draft of cold air breezed by him. Jack stood behind the register, looking like a puppy that was waiting to be thrown a bone.

Pitch sighed. Why couldn't he ever have a normal employee? First that snake, Loki, and now some Christmas obsessed weirdo who couldn't drive. He glanced once more at Jack before walking back into his office, at least this explained why he had seen Jack walking out of 'the Christmas cafe' last night. Just when he thought the guy might have been just a little normal, he turns out to be walking in a metaphorical winter wonderland.

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