Just a little pinch of spice

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Jack trudged into his dorm room after a tiring morning in class. His teacher, Mr. Ramsay, had gone off the handle when someone had sneezed while they were cooking. He had been blamed for sneezing even though the sneeze came from no where near him, but hey I bet Mr. Ramsay's gonna regret that when he realizes his lunch has been replaced with gas station tuna sandwich.  

He let out a satisfied sigh as he flopped onto his bed, only to have it move under him. With an undignified and rather girly shriek, Jack leapt from the bed and tumbled onto the floor. Scrambling onto his feet he went over to his bed to see what was hiding under his bed and he probably wasn't as shocked as he should have been when he saw what it was. 

"Loki, why are you under my bed..." Jack gave an over dramatic huff before adding, 

"Again?" Loki crawled out from under the bed like a snake, hissing sounds and all.  

"Liven up bro, I was just... Well no actually I don't have an excuse for this one so subtle subject change how did the interview go?" Loki shook his dark locks out as he stood from the floor, now towering several inches above Jack. 

"Well I got the job, but you didn't tell me that the dude was a jerk, oh and there's a spider on your shoulder." Loki was about to ask what happened when his mind actually processed what Jack had said. He took off screaming and trying to shake the spider off finally giving Jack the peace and quiet he wanted. Jack laid back on his bed and began to study the menu. He only had about twenty minutes before Loki realized that there was no spider in the first place and came back to the room. 

Line break 

Jack pulled up to the his spot across from the coffee shop and grabbed the menu. He locked his car and ran across the street to All Hallows where Pitch Black himself was waiting at the door. 

"Just on time." Pitch announced opening the door for him. Jack handed Pitch the menu and waited to hear what to do. Like usual the restaurant was bustling with activity although one table was completely silent where a man dressed completely in yellow was typing furiously on his laptop, a mug of coffee sitting on the table beside him. 

"Follow me back to the kitchens, I'm going to assume that you read the menu?" Jack already hated this man. He spoke to him like he was just some kid who didn't know up from down.  

"Yes sir." He said trying to keep the growing loathing from spilling into his voice. Pitch led him back into the kitchen which was surprisingly small, but he supposed that since it was only a coffee shop that was alright.  

"This is a coffee shop but sometimes you will need to actually bake things for some customers. It's mostly simple things that you should know how to make, just make sure that you use a pinch of this, in every recipe." Pitch opened a brown sack that was full of what looked like red sand, but certainly didn't smell like it. Jack in all his life had never seen a spice that looked or smelt like this one. The smell was so potent that he could have smelt it from outside of the kitchen, but it went away the moment Pitch closed the bag. 

"For now you will work out front at the cash register and making whatever it is the customers want. I'm not expecting anyone to order any...Baked goods today so I wouldn't worry about it." Pitch's voice had taken on a darker tone and a dangerous smirk was playing on his lips. Jack couldn't stop the shiver that ran through him. Pitch walked him back to the front and handed him a recipe list. 

"This is how to make all the different drinks on the menu, I have something to attend to so I'm hoping you will do this right. Oh and sign this." Pitch pulled a piece of paper from the counter that Jack could have sworn wasn't there a second ago, along with a 'All Hallows coffee shop' pen. Jack took the pen and looked hesitantly at the paper, he felt like he was signing a death warrant.  

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