Chapter 3

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Todoroki POV

What the fuck is happening right now? I started to panic and wondered what happened. I never would have imagined to see Bakugou cry. It wasn't a normal crying it was horrible, he looked scared to death as if I would hold a gun to his head. Bakugou moved more in the middle of the bed as if he would try to run away or hide. I got up and he looked even more terrified, I figured out that it's probably because I look more big now and even more "scarier". I sat on the bed and said "Bakugou what's wrong? You don't even know what I wanted you to explain?" he doesn't seem to hear me. It's like he blacked out. His body started to shake and his eyes weren't blinking anymore. The more I saw him the more I got scared. 

If I want him to tell me where the blood came from I needed to calm him down. I walked around the bed and Bakugou didn't seem to notice. I layed by my side and said "Bakugou it's me, don't be scared I'll just rub your back". I felt the need to explain it to him. I slightly touched his back and rubed it. He freezed and I knew he was back to reality but he didn't puched me away. After a minute he turned around and we looked each other in the eyes. Even though were not friends, to see his eyes like this hurted me so much. I was wondering why but I couldn't figure it out.

Bakugou POV

He found out. He will tell everyone. I won't become a hero. I will be nothing. Those phrases continued in my head and my vision started to get blurry. I saw Todorokis mouth moving but I wasn't able to understand anything. My body started to shake and I wasn't able to move. I wanna run away, I want to get out of here. Todoroki walked away. I wanted to be alone but as soon as he wasn't in my vision anymore I felt scared. Being in this state and alone felt like pure hell. I wanted to die I just wanted it to stop. Suddenly I felt something on my back. 

My body stopped to shake. After around 30 seconds I was back in reality but I felt completly exhausted. I decided to let him rub my back more. It has been years since someone rubbed my back, no it has been years since someone actually tried to help me when I wasn't able to help myself. It was the first time I didn't feel alone and cared for? It was pathetic to feel that way because we arent even friends but I wished we could lay like this forever. I knew it was wrong to think that I'm not three anymore so I decided to turn around. We looked each other in the eyes.

 He looked worried. It is disgusting to think that but it felt amazing knowing someone is worried about me even if that means that something might happen to me. It's one of the few moments when I actually feel seen. I knew I need to say something. "What did you find" I asked. I suddenly felt no emotion at all now. As if my body was exhausted from emotions.

Todoroki POV

"What did you find?" I know I should ask him but I got a weird feeling that I shouldn't. What if he's scared that I found something like this? He doen't even knows it for sure and was completely done with himself. I decided to not tell him. "I just wanted to tell you to put the towel in the basket and nut just halfway so that the rest looks out." I couldn' t think of anything else but it still felt better so say this instead of the blood in the Toilet. Bakugous relaxed completely. He felt in the bed almost relief and I knew I said the right thing. He wiped away his tears and now looked scared again. I knew why. He cried infront of me. Katsuki Bakugou cried his heart out over a "towel". He layed on his back looking at the celing. "I'm sorry please forget it. I'm just tierd." he said in a cracked voice. 

I knew it wasn't true and I think he also realised that this sounds more like an escape than the truth. "I mean its just to much stress right now and I kinda lost control. It won't happen again. I was just tierd and you woke me up it was just to much." that sounds more real because it is. at least in some parts. "don't worry about it, I shouldn't have woken you up. I was just mad because I needed to take a piss and you weren't getting out of bed, when I saw the towel something inside me just switched."

Forced together (Depressed Bakugou // Todobaku )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora