Chapter 9 (end)

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The week went by and the whole class got used to the new picture of Todoroki being in Bakugou's friendgroup. Deku's friendgroup also left them alone now. Kaminari was included in everything after he came back on Thursday. He by the way does not know about Bakugou's self harm. Friday came by and Bakugou noticed how Todoroki still wasn't feeling better, infact he saw his eyebags increse and he seemed more and more "done" everyday. He finally wanted to know what's wrong.

Bakugou POV

Lunch was almost over and I decided to ask Todoroki "Hey Shoto, wanna have a sleepover at yours? We still need to play the last of us 2." "CAN WE COME TOO?!" both of the others asked almost yelling. "No, I don't want to, we already had tons of sleepover me and Shoto never had one." surprisingly that worked well and the boys didn't bothered anymore. Todoroki nodded after a while and agreed. "You're coming to mine?" I said yes and we decided to meet each other at 8 p.m. because I still wanted to go to the GYM.

-8 p.m.-

Todoroki POV

Bakugou should knock every minute. I didn't wanted to have this sleepover but I don't wanna look suspecious and I don't want him to think that he did something wrong. I was excited but also kind of scared. It knocked and there he was. Still wet hair from a shower he took after the GYM I suppose. I let him in and already felt like crying again. It was so hurtful to see him and knowing he could never be mine. We sat down and I put on the TV and Bakugou searched for the right Disc. We began the game and Bakugou asked me something I expected to hear. "So you're finally going to tell me what's wrong?" I knew he was going to ask me and no matter how much it hurted I knew that I need to tell him the truth. Of course not the whole truth but a bit. "I fell in love" I said. He paused the game and looked at me.

"REALLY?!" he asked happy. Why is he so happy about it? "But that's great why are you so sad over that? Just ask her out, the worst that can happen is a no and that would mean that you're ready for the next one." he said. My eyes started to water. "hey what's wrong? I'm sorry if I was insensitive I just never really fell in love.2 Ouch that was hurting me even more and I couldn't stop but to lose a few tears. I wiped them away and stopped. Bakugou looked worried. "Bro what's wrong? Did she already said no?" I turned my face away from him. "he" I said. "What do you mean? ... OH" He said looking shocked. "Oh shit. I'm sorry I didn't know you're gay. I don't have a problem with that if you're worried about that." He explained himself.

I just looked at him "Thank you" I said exhausted at least he accepts me. I don't need to tell him that he's the guy right? "Who is it?" he asked. "I don't wanna tell you. I'm sorry" I said right away because I already knew that if he would accept me he would ask me that question. "That's alright. FUCK" he said. He died. In the game. I got the controller passed and we played till midnight. We both decided to turn off the lights and go to sleep. I put the blanket over me and fell asleep after a while because there's nothing I want more than being away from reality.

Bakugou POV

I heard that Todoroki fell asleep. I wouldn't have thought that he's gay. I never had a problem with gay people. I never gave a fuck to be honest. I cared so less about it that I never even thought about my own sexuality. I seriously like to know who that boy is that he likes. I had a weird feeling deep inside me and for some reason I wasn't able to fall asleep. Who could that guy be? Maybe Deku? It filled my body with disgust to think about it but luckily it didn't made sense since he wouldn't have left him. Maybe it's me? I laughed. No that can't be because.

Wait. Why can't it be? I freezed. Why shouldn't it be me. I smiled. Why tf do I smile?! I stopped. No way I'm happy about that. Why should I? I remember crying in his arms and how he held me, how safe I felt and that I do want that feeling back. Sometimes I look at him and wish that we could travel back in time just to hug again, even if that means to go back to that horrific time when he found out about my sh. I remember playing the games with him and eating the pancakes he made. He left his whole friendgroup for me. After one day.

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