Chapter 6

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Bakugou POV

Did he just apologized? I was shocked. I mean I don't even know him. Of course you'll learn more about someone when you befriend them but it doesn't feel right that he knows so much, so much I actually didn't wanted to tell him. I want to know more about him too before I begin to be friends with him, he could still stab me in my back and I would have nothing to use against him. I already wanted to ask him this question and I think now is a good time.. "Why are you the way you are? I mean so cold, pretending like you don't care at all the whole time. You judge me for being a "bad mean bully boy" but act weird yourself." If I like his answer I'll maybe agree to saying yes to being friends with him. I was excited to hear his answer, excited to know him more. I was still scared. Maybe he'll answer and it's okay or he'll just fuck off and ruin everything.

Todoroki POV

Deep inside I knew this question will come up and I wish to answer so Bakugou doesn't think that I just use him. "I don't judge you, I was just wondering. I don't have a certain reason why I act the way I act. I just don't want to be the center of attention. I guess that's called introverted. Still I have my opinions and also stand by them. I do act different in "private" but not because I hide something, just because I feel more comfotrable this way." I hope this explanation makes sense to him. It's true though. I do have my opinions and I do maybe come over as cold, I get that but I'm not that way when I'm around a smaller group. I'm also very polite most of the time, so I don't think you could compere us two. I wondered what he was going to say. He also still didn't answered my question if he would like to be friends with me. I think about asking him again but I know that he heard it, asking him again would sound too pushing. I sigh and look at my phone. We talked a lot and it's already 4 p.m..

Bakugou POV

Fuck. I mean of course I'm happy that he isn't going through the same bullshit as me but still I'm the victim, the hurted one. He sighed and looked at his phone. I turned around, so that i was laying with my back to him. It was all to much, all of this was to much.. I showed him my true face, my true identity, my true thoughts and my biggest secret. Him. I felt numb. This silent felt actually worse than the talking so I decided to break the silence "How do you plan on leaving Deku?" I was wondering. Does he even mean it? Maybe he just said it as a joke, even though deep down I know that it wasn't.

Todoroki POV

That was a good question and I didn't thought about that. "I don't know yet:" I say. "but I know that I don't want to have anything to do with him no more, so I'll end it as soon as I'll see him again" and that's the truth. I don't plan on being friends with him for much longer. I don't need friends and I rather have no friends, than assholes and liars.

Bakugou POV

"Okay. Say Todoroki what did you mean by being friends with me? What do you expect from the friendship?" I questioned because right now he knows that I'm basically a broken wrack, there no benifits in being friends with me. I'm good at fighting but what else? Even if him and I become friends people will judge him for leaving Deku and going to his "bully". Why would he do that to himself?

Todorki POV

I was surprised when he asked that question, but it gave me hope for a yes. "Why shouldn't we be friends? I also don't expect anything I just want to get to know you better, you're special. I mean the way everyone pictures you and the way you actually are, are so different that I'd like to get to know the real Bakugou and I swear to god, if I would have asked you sooner about Deku and you would have told me the story I would have asked the same. I don't want to be your friend because of your self harm or because you cried and I see you as a toy. No I wan't to be your friend because I do like the way you think and you're definetly full of surprises and I'd like to find some nice surprises. Those dark surprises actually kinda hurt, my heart did drop when I heard your story and when I saw your arms but this just shows me that when I see a good and positive surprise my heart will jump out of joy." I said, forgetting what I was actually saying out loud and what I was thinking. I started to blush out of embarrassment and wondered what he is going to say or do.

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