Chapter 5

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Bakugou POV

I decided to tell him the whole truth, it doesn't matter anymore. He already knows so much and I wanted to ask him a question too. I took a deep breath and sighed. Todoroki turned his head to the side. I saw it out of the corner of my eyes. It made it even harder for me to speak up so I closed them and just started to talk without thinking.

"Why should I? I mean more people is basically more drama right? If I act the way I act I know what people are saying behind my back. That I'm an asshole, a bastard and so on, so let's pretend that I'm nice and friendly, I would't know what people are saying behind my back. I wouldn't be in control. Aside from that I don't like Deku, he's the "sunshine" people like him. If they would like me too, they probably want to know why I don't like him. People say that I'm his bully all the time. It's fine with me because I don't have any feelings when it comes to strangers, so I don't care what they call me. Personally I would't say that I'm a bully though. I mean think about it, did I ever insulted Deku out of nowhere? No, he always came to me. 

I don't want nothing to do with him but he continues to talk to me. He knows that I don't want it, so I "bully" him away. That doesn't make me a bully though. Even if I don't care what people call me, of course I don't want to be friends with anyone that calls me that. Especially Deku's friends fuck me off. Like you for example. DId you ever asked me why I bully him? No, you just assumed that he's in the right. Tell me why should I wanna be friends with them? I am the good guy, people just don't see it but as long as they leave me alone I don't care." I tried to explain it as good as I could. I opened my eyes again and turned my head to see Todoroki. He seemed to think about what I said but this time not in an emotionless expression, no this time there was an emotion I just couldn't figure out what excatly. After saying all of that I felt a lot better but it made me question my whole personality. I didn't wanted anybody to know me. 

I knew since day 1 that I want to have one friend, and I got him. Todoroki is friends with Deku, it's so confusing and I don't like it. My whole career is in his hands, he just needs to open his mouth and boom it's over. I feel completly empty waiting for his response even though it has only been around 10 seconds. I figured that I don't want to know his answer, because this is the real me. If he says something bad it's not the "mean Bakugou" no it's agains me personally and I can't handle critisim, especially when it comes to my thoughts. I wanted to quit his thinking process as soon as possible and just said "It feels weird telling you all of that. I can't imagine how school will be tomorrow. What are you going to do?"

Todoroki POV

Every sentence that he said made somehow sense, I wasn't able to response because I needed to procress it first. Bakugou isn't what he seemed like his thoughts are really smart to be honest and he is indeed right, if everyone would like him, he wouldn't be in control. I get why he doesn't want that. I felt a little sting in my heart when he said "Like you for example." because I need to admit that he's right. I never asked him why he bullies Deku. I mean I considered it but never did it. It's akward to know how right he is. It's like meeting a new person. I like him. 

I truly like that Bakugou. I don't know what I like about him but I like his honesty and his thought procress. Everything made sense and again I questioned my whole opinion on him. There's only one thing I'd like to know. Why doesn't he like Deku? There needs to be a reason. I just wanted to say something when he suddenly asked how I'm going to act tomorrow and again this is a good question. "I don't know" I answered. "Probably like always. I don't know how different I should act, of course something happened between us two right now but I can't think of a reason why I should act different in school and how different I should act if you know what I mean." Bakugou nodded "I wouldn't like you to act different" he said quietly. "It would just make people wonder and I don't like that" I do agree with him. I'm also friends with his "enemy" Deku. 

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