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With a huge sigh, he was finally ready. Jisung made his way over to the mirror to double-check his outfit and hair. "Basic choices are safe choices I guess." In reality, Jisung looked the complete opposite of basic; low rise loose ripped jeans in a light wash with a black v-neck shirt exposing his soft skin and delicate neck. The hair was the icing on the cake, dyed black and just loose strands gracing his forehead peeking out from a beanie. He looked incredible. Jisung made his way downstairs to grab some fruit for breakfast he can eat on the subway when he felt a tickle on his side. Jumping from the touch he turns around to see his best friend laughing at him, "Geez could you not Felix?!" Jisung shrieked at his friend. Felix, still dying of laughter, tried to explain himself but just came out as a line of unintelligible giggles. Jisung started to laugh just staring at Felix. "I'm sorry Ji I couldn't heal it I know you thought I wasn't up yet." Felix finally said. "Yeah yeah ok I'm leaving now," Jisung smirked at his friend and made his way to the door. Today was a big day it was his first day of college, still only 17 as his birthday lies in September. He made his way to the subway, quickly arriving at the university. Jisung has a passion for music but his parents insisted he get a full rounded education so he will always have options so he agreed to attend classes while also chasing his passion. He walked to his first class with no issue and found a seat in the very back row, class began almost immediately after he sat so he started taking notes. 10 minutes in Jisung heard the door behind him creak open slowly as if someone was sneaking in, sure enough almost in a crawl a boy with a blue hoodie slithered across the floor into the seat next to Jisung.

Confused as hell but just wanting to focus Jisung turned his attention back to the lecture. "All right every first day those are the expectations. We still have 10 minutes left so please take a moment to get to know your classmates and exchange information for studying purposes." And with that, the professor left the room. Jisung finally turned his attention to the boy next to him who was already looking right at him. Jisung was speechless for a moment, the boy was...beautiful. There's no other way to describe it. Soft and sultry eyes, sharp nose and jawline pouting pink lips that look like they deserve to be kissed, his hair peaking from under the hoodie was a vibrant dark purple. "So you're staring." the boy spoke. "Oh shit sorry, I was zoned out." Lie. "What was with that entrance btw." Jisung tried to pretend that moment of awkwardness didn't happen. "Heh, I was late and decided to take it one step further, names Minho by the way." Minho extended a hand out to shake, Jisung took his hand "Jisung nice to meet you." At that moment Jisung's breath hitched Minho's hands were so soft and strong he could tell just from his handshake Minho worked out. Jisung pulled his hand away as he realized he was holding his hand too long. "So," Jisung said hesitantly, "the professor said we should exchange info in case we need help in class, I can give you mine if you want." Minho licked his lips and smirked, almost sending Jisung into cardiac arrest, "I will gladly take your number. I'm not the best student so that would be really helpful, plus then you can stare at me more." Jisung turned strawberry red and quickly dialed his number in Minho's phone before practically running out of the classroom. He was barely out of the building when he got a text:

I mean it you know you can stare anytime I'm pretty fabulous ;)

I wasn't staring

Hmm, could have fooled me. I was staring and I won't hide that

Uhh, why?

Well simple, you are a hot piece.

Oh fuck is this happening right now, it's the fucking first day and this dude is flirting with me. ME?! Jisung had to sit down due to the pure adrenaline rushing through his body. In high school, everyone knew he was gay before him, including his parents. To be so obvious he's hit on the first day here was a huge shock to him. Especially since he came out he's never even kissed a boy yet. Already this is feeling like it's gonna be a long school year.

Jisung entered the subway still thinking about Minho. I can't believe he hit on me on day 1. Jisung practically ran home busting through the door. "What the fuck!" Felix practically jumped through the ceiling. "No time for sorry right now look at this." Jisung threw his phone at Felix. "Soooooo you're that hot huh?" Felix chuckled. "Shut up I'm overwhelmed enough without that." Jisung threw a pillow laughing at Felix. The 2 laughed and Jisung went upstairs to shower. He paused in the mirror after turning on the water and looked at himself. He took off his beanie and shook out his black hair then pulled off his shirt. His body was lean but still had amazing definition, he had strong shoulders and arms. His abs were hard as stone and you would see his hips with his low jeans gracefully hanging from them. Ok, I guess I am hot. Jisung chuckled to himself. Snapping out of his trance he removed the rest of his clothes and jumped in the shower. Jisung was climbing into bed when his phone lit up on the nightstand;

Hey, cutie hope you get some beauty rest even though you don't need it.

Jisung stared at his phone. Why is he flirting with me? He talked to me for 5 minutes?

You sure are trying hard there aren't you?

Can't help it. Look in a mirror ;)

Goodnight Mr. Flirt

Goodnight sexy.

Jisung felt his heart racing. No no no you do not like him he's just hitting on you. It can't be denied Jisung could feel his cheeks getting hot. The boy was flustered. With a deep breath, he laid down and let his mind wander as he fell asleep.

But why me? // Minsung // Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now