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Felix stretched and turned over to face Hyunjin. He eyed his features carefully so as to not miss a single detail. Hyunjin had beautiful lips, still red and swollen from last night's adventures. He had soft facial features that made him look almost angelic especially when he was sleeping. Felix leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his lips before snuggling up to him for more cuddles. Hyunjin turned his head kissing Felix on the forehead in return. "Good morning my sunshine." Felix smiled at the pet name. "Good morning handsome." With one more swift kiss, Hyunjin climbed out of bed and pulled on grey sweatpants leaving his chest bare. He raked his hand through his hair before turning to face the open-mouthed Felix. "You're staring like I didn't just fuck you sideways all night." Hyunjin winked and started to make his way out the door of the bedroom. Felix sat there for a moment in shock at what he just said before bolting up, grabbing pajama pants, throwing them on as he walked, and following Hyunjin out the door and to the kitchen. They ate a simple breakfast together and both had to be told by the other to stop staring. Felix didn't care if he got caught staring, Hyunjin was as if you looked at a model and plucked them off the page and sat them in front of you. "Are you gonna check on your best friend today?" Hyunjin said between sips of juice. "Oh my god! Jisung!" Felix launched out of the chair speeding to the bedroom and grabbed his phone. It was so early but he did not care he immediately called Jisung. Please pick up please tell me you didn't get killed because I was too busy getting laid. "Hello?" A groggy Jisung answered. "Oh hello! Wakey wakes I need to make sure you're alive and not kidnapped." Felix tried to hide a laugh unsuccessfully. "I'm fine, I'm exhausted, and I'm at home." In the background, Minho let out a stretch and wrapped his arm around Jisung, and sighed. "Umm is Minho in your BED?" Felix taunted playfully. He could almost feel his best friend's embarrassment through the phone as it disconnected. Felix walked back to Hyunjin laughing as hard as he could. "I'm guessing he's ok?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. "Oh, he is more than ok. Seems like me and him had a very similar night, mine was just better." Felix winked at Hyunjin and took a bite of his toast as punctuation.

After hanging up the phone Jisung looked down at the arm wrapped around his waist, a strong muscular arm decorated with a black rope bracelet. He turned his head to look over at Minho, still in utter shock at what happened last night. The more he woke up the more memories came to his mind and then remembered he was still naked. Panic shook through his body as last night was one thing but not in the heat of the moment being naked with this god-like being that is Minho was a whole other thing. Trying not to wake him he slid out of bed looking for anything to cover at least his bottom half. He grabbed just a pair of plain black basketball shorts and decided to crawl back into bed. As much as he didn't want to admit it he really liked being close to Minho. He thought back to riding the motorcycle the closeness of their bodies was comforting even if he felt like he was gonna die the whole ride. As he lifted the blanket to get under he saw Minho was also still naked. Jisung turned so red you would have thought he was a stop sign. He shut his eyes tight as if not trying to get caught staring and laid down facing Minho and just enjoyed the closeness for a little while longer. He was still in shock over his own behavior last night. He chased Minho, and he begged for Minho. He gave his first kiss and virginity to Minho! And he was ok with that. The words he was saying still rang in his head "I care about you." He didn't understand how he could care about him. Jisung felt like he was never worthy of love seeing as how he was small and had a tendency to be bullied in his early years, but there was this god-like sex machine in his bed that wanted him. Or did he want him? Minho stretched and Jisung pushed down the doubts he had and pretended to be asleep. Minho picked up his phone and let out a sigh before turning his head to look at Jisung. Jisung felt a small kiss on his nose "Hey Jisung wake up we have class in like 30 minutes." Another kiss to the forehead. Jisung opened his eyes and looked up at Minho, he immediately blushed again (he just looks permanently red these days) and shot his eyes down. "I'm really sorry for how I acted yesterday and understand if I freaked you out." Minho was dumbfounded "What do you mean?" Jisung took a deep breath, "I mean we just met like 3 days ago, I had never even kissed someone before and in one day I went from kiss, to make out, to tease, to sex. I just feel bad I kinda lost control because I am really attracted to you and I hope you don't think I wanted a one-night stand or something." Minho could see the insecurity in Jisung's eyes and reached out to wrap him in his arms. "I promise you I am not freaked out. It sounds like you're the one who's freaked out. Tell you what let's just start again for the third time and take things a little slower this time. Are you going to Chan's party this weekend? If so, do you want to be my date?" Jisung felt relief. He was being accepted for what he thought was insane behavior and they were agreeing to slow down and try this out. "I would like that a lot actually." They both gazed at each other and shared a smile before getting out of bed. Jisung got ready and Minho asked to run by his house to change clothes before class. They arrived together on his motorcycle and made their way up the steps making small talk down the hall. Minho walked Jisung to music theory and made his own way back to the practice rooms. Today he opted for a fast-paced playlist where he could really go all out and burn some energy. He couldn't stop thinking about how great last night was but was still so saddened by Jisung thinking he wouldn't want him anymore. It just made him determined to show him that he did want to know him better and show him he liked him.

But why me? // Minsung // Stray KidsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum