M-Dog Arises

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"Wake up, Millie." Luann softly whispered, nudging her sleeping son.

Milhouse jolted awake, and then slowed his eyelids into a hard blink, adjusting to the sudden light. "I told you not to call me that, " he slurrishly mumbled "makes me sound like a girl..."

"Well 'Milhouse' is a little too wordy for around the house, isn't it? And there's nothing wrong with being a girl. " she gestured to herself, defensively.

"Just rather you'd call me something more fitting. Like M-Dog, or Milhizzle... "

Luann held back a grin, "Only when your SoundCloud career pops off, schmoopy. Now get dressed, I'll make breakfast. "

M-Dog grabbed his clothes off of his chair begrudgingly, and began to get dressed. His phone began to buzz from within his half-way pulled up Jean pocket. It was Lisa. Again. She was really getting on his nerves. He threw his phone to the bed and continued to get dressed. He turned.
His hand hovered and flinched in the air, at the thought of responding to her in the heat of the moment and telling her once and for all to just leave him alone.



He decided to leave his phone, and therefore , all temptation, in his room.

"There you are, what was taking so long?"

"I feel like I took a normal amount of t-"

"No backchat please. What you SHOULD be saying is 'thank you'; I've spent all morning slaving away to make this breakfast for you. "

Milhouse looked down at his sad bowl of soggy bran flakes. "Thank you. "

M-dog cautiously sat down and grabbed his spoon; shakily staring in his mother's direction as he took his first mushy bite. Squish.


Milhouse obliged, he'd kept his second remote in his pocket for this very situation. The tv screen loading symbol span for some time, before finally turning on. His heart began to race as he watched a second call from Lisa appear on the screen. It must've still been connected to his phone from when he was pirating 'Barbie: life in the dreamhouse' last night.

"Are you going to answer that then?"

"My phone's in my room, I can't" at least he didn't have to come up with a lie.

"I think we can answer it with the remote, let's see... "

His stomach dropped.

The call was accepted, though delayed and laggy. He watched Lisa realise she was being acknowledged on the screen, every mannerism within her changing at the sight of her beloved.


"Heyy.. "

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