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song reccomendation:
Freaks by Surf Curse

Kang Y/N is a 14 year old girl who is about to start high school. Her father is from Korea and her mother is from Australia. She was born in Korea but moved to Austrailia when she was two. She was from a wealthy family.

She did her perschooling in Korea and made her best friend there. Lee Chaeryeong. Though she doesn't meet her often since Y/N moved to Australia but they still stayed in touch with each other.

At home >

You were writing a 5 page history paper for school when you heard a knock on your bedroom door. You got up from your desk and went to open the door, revealing both your parents.

This was awkward

They never just showed up together at your bedroom door so this was weird.

"Um, do you guys need anything..?" You said breaking the silence. "Sweetie, we need to talk to you about something. It's important." Your mother said. You got a little tensed but went away from the door sitting on your bed, signalling your parents to come in.

They sat on your bed and your father spoke up. "Y/N-ah do you miss Seoul? Do you miss Chaeryeong-ie?"

You were taken aback by the sudden questions but as a matter of fact you did. Sure, you loved Australia, you had good friends here and all but sometimes just facetiming your best friend didn't feel very great and after all Seoul was where you were born and you missed the place a lot.

"Y/N-ie?" Your father said making you snap out of your thoughts as you blurted, "Yes, I do, I really do miss Korea and Chaeryeong." You said with a faint smile on your face.

"How would you feel about moving back to Seoul sweetheart?" Your mother asked

Your eyes lit up at the question. You jumped off your bed. "YES YES YES. WAIT REALLY. OH MY GOD YES. WHEN ARE WE MOVING?" It's not like you didn't like Australia, it was great but you really, really missed Korea.

"Next week. Is that fine with you?" Your father asked. "Yes, absolutely" You said smiling ear to ear.

Time skip >

At the airport

You were on a call with Chaeryeong and you but hung up because you were about to board the plane. Mixed feelings going bananas inside you. You were going to live in Seoul again.

You boarded the plane and and the plane took off soon after. You immediately fell asleep since you woke up early in the morning.


fwb. | Hwang HyunjinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant