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Dear *****,
            You know all about my crush don't you? Yet you pretend to not care and continue being my friend.  But I can't continue to be your friend after you found out that I like you. I know you said that we shouldn't care what people say and that I mean a lot to you.. but I find that extremly hard to believe.. my friends and my cousin say you like me back because you were "worried" I moved on from you. But I know that's not the case and that you only asked bc of what ***** said. I'm glad though that you asked me before thinking of avoiding me. My friends and I used to call you strawberry before you found out but after you found out it was too obvious to I stuck to staying quiet about you. I tried so many times to stop liking you but it's impossible. And I know that this crush is unfair to you which is why I think it's best I continue avoiding you..I'm sorry. It's been months now and I told you I didn't like you anymore..when I do and I'm so fucking sorry for lying to you but I can't bear the fact that you know about this weird crush of mine. Maybe we can be friends in peace now.. xx

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