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        Maybe you won't be the one I end up with in the future but you will be the one I tell my future daughter about when she has her first heartbreak and I don't know if it's worth it to wait for you because I know we won't have a future together and we probably will stop talking after school ends but I want you to know that you are one of the greatest people I will ever meet. I loved every second I've ever spent with you even if it was just us sitting together in silence. I loved watching you smile not because of me but because of other people I love every detail about you your kind your beauty your smile your personality..everything your perfect in every way and I hope you won't let anyone  else tell you otherwise. No matter how much you hate me it doesn't matter as long as your safe healthy and happy, I hope you friends are able to protect you and are there with you during your first heartbreak and on the day you finally give your heart to someone else. In the future find someone good for you someone who will treat you like you deserve to be treated not someone like me who struggles to trust you. Find someone who will do anything to keep you happy and loves you just as much as I did..I love you ****. It's not something I will ever doubt and it's not something I'm proud of but I do. I love every inch of you. I don't love you for who others expect you to be I want to hear about your bad days and your worst moments. I don't care what happened in the past I know you are a better person now at least I hope so and I hope if we don't have a future together we can atleast spend these last years together and cherish these memories for the rest of our life's but when the time comes I want you to forget about my existence and move on with your life

All the things I will never say..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon