Chapter 8

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"Ash, Bells? Everything alright in there? I got word that you guys were arguing down here. Just wanted to make sure everything's alright." Andy's voice came through the door and we pulled apart instantly.

Ashley pulled his shirt over his head, and I quickly redressed myself.

"Yeah, we're, uh, fine. Just resolving our problems."

Ashley unlocked the the door as I fixed my disheveled appearance.

Andy stood with his arms crossed and gave Ashley a funny look.

"Uh, problems resolved then?" He raised and eyebrow at me. Yeah, he definitely knew there was something else going on here.

"Ye-" I cut Ashley off mid sentence.

"Actually, I'm not feeling too great," I grimaced, "Probably took a few too many shots, but I was going to have Ashley drive me home. Do you think you could tell Amber or give her a ride or something?"

"Yeah, sure." Andy scratched the back of his head. I was going to have a hard time explaining this one to him.

"Ash, are you sure you should even drive? You've probably had too much to drink. Tell you what, I'll just call you guys an Uber."

"No, I, uh, I got it. I've only had a couple beers, so I'm straight. But thanks man."

"No prob." he patted Ashley on the back and went upstairs, with us trailing behind.

Thankfully, no one seemed to have paid any mind to us coming up the steps in such an awkward fashion.

Andy ran back off to find Amber and tell her that we were headed home, and Ash walked with me outside, next to his truck.

When we got to his truck we were in the dark, and everyone else was inside. I couldn't take it. I needed to feel his touch, to feel the heat of his breath on my skin. I needed him.

In a spark of impulse, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me, my lips meeting his in a moment of fiery passion.

A low groan escaped his lips and I once again found myself unable to move, his hips pinning me to the side of the vehicle. "Bella, what are you doing?" he mumbled between kisses.

His hands moved to the underside of my thighs to pick me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I didn't say anything in response, I just muttered a half-hearted "shush." His growing erection pressed against my inner thigh.

His fingers ran through my hair and his lips moved to my neck. They trailed up the side of my neck to my ears as he gently nibbled on my earlobe.

"You know we can't do this here," he whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. "And I think Andy might've been right. Alcohol or not, something's got my head far too dizzy to drive."

"Then maybe you should actually call Uber." I attempted to whisper, but it came out as more of a hushed moan as he kissed the skin on my neck.

He slowly dropped me to the ground and pulled out his cell phone.

When he finished with his phone, he notified me that the driver would be here in about twenty minutes.

He kissed me again, softer this time, and our pace was a lot more even. This wasn't pure lust anymore, this was something else.

His arms snaked around my waist and held me at the small of my back. As he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, I parted my lips ever so slightly and allowed him in.

His tongue gently caressed mine and it was a marvelous sensation.

"Bella! Ashley!" Amber's voice was loud and clear and Ashley and I split in an instant. It was too dark for her to have seen us, thank god. "I'm gonna ride home with you guys!"


I sighed as Amber came closer to us by his truck. "Yeah, sure, that's fine."


When we got back to Ashley's house, we each parted our separate ways, making way to our bedrooms.

I pulled on the over sized shirt that I brought to sleep in and poked my head into the hallway. Amber was in her room and there was no movement in the kitchen.

I made my way to Ashley's bedroom, persistent to finish what we started. I peeked into his room to see him lying flat on his back, staring at his phone, which he held above his head.

In utter silence, I slipped in and closed the door, making my way towards him.

He was completely oblivious of me until I jumped on his bed and straddled him. He smirked at me, throwing his phone to the side and reaching up to grab the sides of my face, without so much as a word or a questioning look.

He brought his lips to mine, and I felt him smile against my mouth as I rolled my hips against his.

He pulled at the hem of my shirt and quickly got it over my head, once more exposing my breasts to him.

He rolled over on top of me and hooked his fingers around the hem of my panties, sliding them down my legs and off to the side. I laid completely exposed beneath him.

He kissed me once more before leaving a trail of kisses down my abdomen, nearing awful close. As if to have a mind of their own, my hips raised in an effort to meet him and he happily obliged.

My legs began to stiffen and the muscles in my core tightened. He looked up at me with a smirk that drove me absolutely wild.

He ran his tongue up my center and then back up to my abdomen. I writhed beneath his touch.

He kissed me again, with more force this time and I reached my hand up to run my fingers through his hair.

He stood quickly and pulled off his boxers before reaching for his bedside table.

I grabbed his arm. "I'm on the pill." I stated, barely audible due to my euphoric state.

He positioned himself back on top of me and kissed my neck. "Good, baby, that means I can feel you." His husky voice resonated in my ears and his dirty words made me needy for his touch.

He kissed my mouth once more as he entered me, forcing a moan to escape into my mouth.

He started as a slow, torturous pace. He picked up his speed and my breathing became erratic. I dug my nails into his back as his teeth bit gently at my neck.

With one final thrust, he sent me over the edge, and I came apart underneath him.

He found his release as well and collapsed on top of me.

He kissed my forehead and rolled off to the side of me so that we were looking at each other face to face, foreheads a mere inch apart.

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, he looked at me longingly.

"Why is it that I am so drawn to you, Bella?" He whispered, eyes scanning my face.

"I'm wondering the same thing, Ashley." Any anger that I had acquired towards him was long since gone.

"I don't know what the hell happened tonight, but I don't want it to mean nothing..." He trailed off.

I leaned forward and kissed his lips. "I don't either, but I also don't know what I want it to mean."

"I don't really know what I want either. I just know that I want you." He pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his chest, absorbing the warmth that emanated from him.

I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. I could really get used to this.

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