Chapter 15

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Andy and I had spent the rest of the day together, just doing random things here and there. Enough to subdue our boredom, I guess. After we ate lunch, we decided to go walk on the beach for a few hours. I wasn't much of a beach person, but with Andy I found myself having lots of fun. Later we stopped at a small ice cream parlor and sat down for a small desert.

We chatted for a little bit and he explained to me that Juliet was in the studio, working on her EP. He'd heard most of the songs on it and he said they were all pretty rad. I knew she had a damn good voice, which only made me more interested in the fact that she was making more music. I had heard her song Wild Child and instantly fell in love a couple years back, so I knew whatever she had coming up would be great.

She didn't seem to like me too terribly much, but I neglected to bring this up with Andy. I opted to forego starting anything unnecessary, seeing as my high school days were over, and drama like such was just petty high school crap.

After having our ice cream, we got back into his car and journeyed back to Ashley's house. I groaned inwardly but the expression on my face must have given me away to Andy.

"What, you don't like staying at his house?" He asked, seemingly amused.

I sighed. "It's complicated."

"I can actually feel the tension between you two."

How did he know there was anything going on between us? Sexual, emotional, or otherwise. "What do you mean, you can 'feel' the tension?"

"Bella, to be quite honest with you, I'm well aware of what was happening between you two at the New Year's Eve party, and if I had to guess, I'd say that you two have slept together at least once since then. I highly doubt that Atlanta was the last time you two have been together. Believe me. I know you, and I definitely know Ash." He turned to me with a look on his face that said "I'm smarter than I look."

"You insightful little shit!" I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

"So this means I'm right." He gave me a sly grin. "All I can tell you is that Ash hasn't acted the same way he normally does since he met you Bells."

"Meaning?" I gave him confused look.

"He doesn't hang around as many girls as he used to, doesn't go out to clubs anymore. He's just not his usual self."

"I don't know, I mean. At this point, I'm convinced that it's just a petty crush, on both ends. I leave in two days anyway, and I'm not so sure I'd do so well with a long distance thing. Besides all of that, I don't really think he's over his whole party thing, or whatever you want to call it. You know what his reputation is like, and I refuse to be just another one of those girls, Andy."

"Suit yourself, Bells. But I see what I see. And I'll be damned if it doesn't happen eventually."

I groaned. Sure, I liked him, and it seemed as though he might like me. Then again, plenty of guys play their little games to get girls into bed, and I was pretty sure that Ash was one of them. "Whatever. Just shut up and drive!" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

He smiled and turned the radio up just a little bit. He had it playing on a classic rock station, and Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns 'n Roses happened to be the current song. Andy turned to me and began singing while doing a little head bang. "Wooooooooahhhh, sweet child of mine!" He pointed at me and started rocking out and I couldn't help but laugh. This was the Andy I remembered, and I had missed him so much. My laugh turned to a sad smile as I realized that I'd soon be leaving Los Angeles, and going back home to Atlanta.

L.A. and Atlanta were like two different worlds. It'd be hard, but I was determined to keep our friendship intact this time.

Shortly, we arrived at Ashley's house and I hugged Andy goodbye. When I walked inside, Amber was asleep on the couch and Ashley was nowhere in sight. After peeking into the garage, I noticed that his bike was gone, so I assumed that he had left the house.

I walked back to my room, and lay back on the bed. Andy was right about Ashley. He was tee-totally, undeniably, unquestionably, one hundred percent right. I just didn't want to admit it. Not to him anyways. But I couldn't deny the feeling that kissing him gave me, or how blissful it felt to be wrapped up in his arms. I just didn't know what I was going to do about it.



OK, so sorry this chapter is so short, but I felt like this would be a good place to end it. Anyways, have a delightful day, lovelies. xx

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