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[Contact: Jin-ful Delight.]

- Are you doing anything right now?

- Wanna grab dinner?

Jin had been recording his part for a song to go onto their next album. He had his phone on silent but was in the booth with him. As he sang along, Jin could read the text that was coming through in the preview window. "Wanna grab dinner?" Showing clearly on the top of his screen. Jin stopped mid-note, grabbed his phone, and walked out of the booth. He was hitting the call button as he paced the hallway.

"Hello?" Shay answered the call and met Jin with a warm greeting.

"Hi. I saw your text. You said you wanted to have dinner with me?"

"Yeah! I suddenly found myself free tonight. I wanted to try out that whole get-to-know-you thing you were talking about. So, I texted you to see if you, too, were also available?"

"Free as a bird!" Jin exclaimed. He winced at the sound of his voice. He sounded way more excited than he was trying to put off.

"Great! There is a Korean BBQ place I have been meaning to go to. Is that ok with you?"

"Korean BBQ sounds perfect. Pick you up at our place in an hour?"

"Better make it two. It's been a while since I have been out."

"It's a date then."

"I hope so! I'll see you in a little bit. Bye, Jin!"

"Bye, Shay!"

Jin rounded the corner and burst through the doors where all the members were standing around the recording studio. They were waiting for him to explain his sudden departure.

"Can I record my part later? I have to go!" Jin huffed.

"What's going on, man? Something important come up?" Namjoon asked. It was very unlike Jin to bail during a recording session.

"Shay just asked me to dinner. I have a dinner date with her tonight," he buffed out in two breaths. All the boys began to scream and shout in congratulations. They all knew Jin had been pursuing Shay for a while. They all noticed how his face would light up when he spoke about her or how the tips of his ears would turn a crimson red when her name was spoken.

"Leader?" Jin pleaded. Jin calling Namjoon leader was rarer than any of the Pokemon cards Namjoon had collected over the years. Jin needed this. He had liked Shay for so long now he was willing to go to any lengths to secure this date with her, even if that meant pulling the "leader" card on Namjoon. Namjoon only smiled and flicked his hands to shoo his hyung away from the studio.

"Thank you!" Jin breathed. "Ok, I need to go. I need to buy a new suit, some flowers. Maybe I should buy a box of those fancy chocolates?!" Jin rushed his sentence out faster than his brain could process.

"Don't overthink!" Yoongi shouted. "Where are you going for dinner?" Yoongi asked sternly, keeping his hyung focused on one step at a time.

"Korean BBQ"

"Korean BBQ requires a bib, not a suit. So skip that. Skip the chocolates too. You can use the excuse to buy dessert to prolong the date if it is going well. Which I am sure it will be!" Yoongi instructed. "Go out and buy a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine."

"She doesn't drink."

"What kind of a weirdo doesn't drink?" Yoongi shrieked.


"Tae is weird. Maybe he should date her." Yoongi scoffed.

"On it!" Tae shouted, shooting up from the couch and stepping toward the door.

Secrets We Never Tell / Jin FFWhere stories live. Discover now