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"It will be fine." Those words were the last words Jin had heard from her. After Mrs. Choi had shown up, Jin received a text stating that Shay had a headache. "Too much time in the sun," she claimed. That was three days ago.

Shay was back to her old habit of keeping her distance from Jin. It had been radio silence between her and Jin. No text or calls telling him about their next rendezvous. Jin hated it and was angered by it. He wasn't going to stand for it. He was going to get to the bottom of it tonight. He had already knocked on Shay's door and spoken to Eomma Kim before Shay came home from work. Shay's even was now free and clear. The only thing Jin had to do was wait.

Jin hung around his door. He was checking periodically for his raven-hair beauty to show up. Jin heard the clack, then the shuffle of her feet, before she got to her door. She was tired by the sound of it, most likely due to a long day of work. Even when he was mad at her, he couldn't help but be worried about her.

Jin looked through his door camera as she stood by her door. He watched her rub her eyes and smack her cheeks lightly, trying to hide her tiredness before she walked into her door. Jin opened his door and reached out to Shay. He wrapped his fingers around her bicep and yanked her back.

Shay's feet stumbled backward as she was dragged away from her door. Before she could protest, Shay was inside Jin's apartment, staring up at a very serious-looking Jin. The door slammed shut behind her. "You've been avoiding me," Jin said sternly.

Shay lowered her head, shielding her eyes from him. Her lips twisted as she mentally cursed herself. "I know," she breathed, trying to keep her composure.

Shay said nothing more. The silence in the room was unbearable. Jin deserved more of an explanation, and both of them knew it. "Why?" he asked. Shay turned and moved toward the door. Her hand was on the handle, ready to swing the door open and make her escape.

Jin slammed his hand above her head onto the door, pinning Shay between him and the door. "I already talked to Eomma Kim. She is going to watch Silas for us. She's even prepared to spend the night until we work things out." 'Damn you, woman!' Shay shouted in her head. "Talk to me."

Shay turned around and came nose to nose with Jin. She didn't want to admit seeing Jin like this turned her on. She was trying hard not to think about kissing him hard on the lips, dragging him over to the couch, and fucking the dominance out of him with her own.

Shay was breathing heavily. She couldn't do that. If they lived out the little fantasy in her head, she would be right back to where they were, and that was no longer an option. "This is going to work," she said, and Jin stumbled back, trying to catch his breath that suddenly left his lungs. "It was a mistake."

"A mistake?!" Jin was stunned by her words. "A few days ago, I was going to have dinner with you and Silas, and now it's a mistake?! What happened in the last several days to make you think that?"

"It was your job. You are gone all the time. We've been lucky so far, but eventually, you will leave, and for who knows how long. It is not conducive to Silas's mental health. He can't have someone who pops in and out of his life. He needs structure," Shay said urgently.

Jin paced up and down his living room. "You're lying. Those aren't your words. They are someone else's."

"It was highly recommended to me." Shay stopped mid-sentence, something else coming to her mind. "I hate that phrase. 'It comes highly recommended. I highly recommend it. It's highly recommended.' It's all the same catchphrase used to push buyers. But, in this case, I need to agree. I need to think about Silas and what is good for him."

Shay's words rang in Jin's ear- highly recommended. Someone recommended that Shay stay away from Jin. 'Who would do a thing like that?' Jin thought sarcastically. "Mrs. Choi?" Jin needs to hear Shay's answer. He already knew it. "Mrs. Choi is officially on my last nerve. She has no right to your personal life!" Jin's anger rose to the top, and he started yelling. Not at Shay but directed towards her, letting his frustrations fly.

Secrets We Never Tell / Jin FFWhere stories live. Discover now