the cuts

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Joeys P.O.V

Daniel's been ignoring me for the past few days. He dosent answer my calls or text. He wont even look at me. I guess he dosent like me anymore. Everytime he ignores me it gets stronger. The shining sharp metal taunting me. I told daniel i wouldent do it anymore. But daniel dosent care about me so it dosent matter. i took the metal in my hand tears falling down my face. 1 cut for daniel 2 cuts for being stupid. 3 cuts for shane and 4 cuts for my terrible life. I sat on the cold bathroom floor holding my wrist. "JOEY GOD DAMMIT OPEN THE DOOR" i heard daniel scream with hurt in his voice. "Im sorry" i said drifting off. "NO JOEY PLEASE NO STOP" i heard the door knob turn and saw daniels face. "what have I done" he cried into my shirt "what have i done".

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