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Last chapter guys its been fun writing these and i will finish up some of my other joey fanfics later


Daniel and I were still at the park having a nice time. "Do you regret coming here" daniel questioned wiggling his eyesbrows. "No im having a great time" i chuckled leaning down to grab a cookie. I fell out of my chair and onto the blanket. "Oh my god joey are you ok?!" Daniel shot up trying to help me. "Yah im fine" i started to get up and something amazing happened. "J-joey your w-walking" daniel stuttered in shock. "Im walking" i heaves out "IM WALKING" i shouted jumping up and down. "DANIEL ITS A MIRACLE" i laughed crying tears of happiness. "Joey" he hugged me tight i could hear his soft sniffles. "I love you so much" i cried into his shoulder. "I love you more".

That's a wrap you guy have been amazing ily all

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