Chapter 2: Sparrow and Witch-Hazel

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Haledon stared in awe at the newcomers.

Compared to the dull but adequate foliage that adorned the crew of the Astralaceae, the Earth Druids wore a stunning display of blooms and vines. He admired the apparent functionality of the suit as well as its striking beauty.

Of the three Druids, the one with golden-grey hair was the most vibrant. The locks were bound back by intricately woven branches and reeds with vibrant blooms scattered along its surface. The front of the suit was a tesselation of flower colours. Reds and oranges blended into greens, blues, and purples. And as the Druid shifted in the ship's bioluminescence, her image shimmered against the light.

Beside her was a man with sandy hair. His chest was a curtain of flowers, blooming with red, orange, and turquoise. They draped to his knees, revealing an intertwined rosette of agave leaves that comprised his boots and legs. Desert star-vine crawled from under his prickly-pear pauldrons and danced with each step he took.

The third Earth Druid had no hair, but their delicate features were shaped by locks made of thick roots. The braided mass was packed with moss and swung softly as they moved forward. Eyes of verdant green complemented the variegated foliage that hung to their chest. Vivid purples and emeralds made up the leaves that stretched down and formed the coattails.

This one had chosen not to add shrubbery to their feet compared to the other Druids. Haledon found himself entranced and watched them as they walked, noticing their toes stretched out and trying to grasp the roots beneath them.

"Hello?" The iridescent Druid inquired again.

"Hi, umm, sorry," Haledon stammered. "Me?"

"Yes, you are a Seral Druid?" The woman approached and looked him over. Her eyes were full of curiosity and the urgency of the prey fleeing a predator.

"I—umm—yes," Haledon continued.

"And you know the direction of the Hilum?"

"Umm, that way." He pointed down the length of the ship.

The woman stared at him and gave a quick wave of her hand. "Lead the way."

"Oh, uh, sure."

Turning, Haledon quickly stopped and noticed a familiar face staring back at him. Primeval Druid Hannar's faded earth colour eyes inspected the visitors as she rushed down the corridor. There was a brief moment of unease before she revealed a broad smile that released the tension.

She approached with purpose but not too fast. Her long white hair was put into a braid and draped over her shoulder. With each step, it bounced and swayed but never left her chest. Her bramble suit was full of autumn colours and hung down to her knees like a coat.

"Welcome," Hannar spoke softly and presented herself with a slight bow. "I am Primeval Druid Hannar."

The three Druids stepped toward to present themselves. The vibrant one took hold of the moment, taking another step before bowing.

"I am Primeval Druid Hummingbird of the Evergreen Cascades."

As she stepped back, the Druid, armoured with desert vegetation, moved forward and touched the breast of his armour. He dipped his head and shoulders before returning his gaze to Hannar.

"I am Primeval Druid Mesa of the Sonora Desert."

Finally, the shoeless Druid made their way forward. Pulling the vines away from their face and tucking them behind their ears, they stare momentarily toward Hannar.

A smile crossed their face before, quietly, the Druid dragged two fingers from their crown to chin and reached out to touch Hannar's chest.

The Astralaceae Druid audibly exhaled as Haledon watched her remaining tension melt away.

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