Chapter 4: SOIL Amendments

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Haledon tossed and turned in the night as his body fluctuated between fevers and chills.

He would often find himself dug into the bed only to pull himself out moments later. Eventually, leaving one leg dangling over the edge and scattering leaves to the floor, he found the perfect balance.

Between the bouts of restless sleep, his mind drifted through vague dreams. He found himself chasing a sparrow through an endless and alien forest into a familiar meadow. But now, instead of being alone, a jet-black wolf sat there with its snout dipped into a pond.

The wind whispered against Haledon's neck as it pushed through him to the wolf. The reeds along the shore sang and flexed under the gust. Swiftly, the wolf raised its head and looked at Haledon. Their two eyes locked momentarily as a pink moon rose over the horizon.

Standing on two legs, the wolf began to bridge the distance between them. Haledon waited for it to reach him as his heart raced with anticipation. Placing a paw to his shoulder, it spoke clearly in Farran's voice.

"One day, you will do much more for this Astralaceae than I ever could have."

The wolf looked down at him as a twisted smile peaked through curled lips.

"Haledon!" A voice screamed from behind.

Turning to face it, he saw a sprinting Primeval Druid Sparrow as she ducked under branches and jumped over roots. In her hands, an abyssal black crossbow housing a clip of silver bolts.

She stopped, levelling the bow in a fluid motion and firing. The arrow whistled as it sliced through the air beside Haledon and, with a hollow thud, impacted the wolf. A booming howl cut through the night as the creature fell backward into the water.

Haledon awoke from his dream with a start. With a choking cough, he sat up straight in the darkness and grasped at the leaves around him. After allowing a moment to panic, he placed his sweat-drenched face into his hands and forced himself to breathe.

His frantic gasps began to slow as the dream faded from his mind. Tension arose in his chest that he took a moment to massage. Eventually, he took another deep breath and exhaled it slowly.

Pulling his head out of his hands, the room began cycling through the sunrise. Turning to get out of bed, he came face to face with a wooden stump.

"Has anyone told you—" Witch-Hazel began but was cut off by the scream of Haledon.

Scurrying backward, Haledon toppled out of bed. Leaves scattered across the floor, with a few sticking to the sweat of his body.

"Has anyone told you that you whimper like a babe in your sleep?"

"Witch-Hazel, what...what are you doing here?"

Stepping up and over the bed, Witch-Hazel positioned itself beside Haledon. Its large hand grabbed him by the arm, gently lifting him to his feet.

"Sparrow said to watch over you."

"Were you there all night?"

"I was there the moment you left the Hypogeal Nexus." The two stared awkwardly at each other for a moment before Witch-Hazel continued. "I heard what you said about me..."

"Witch-Hazel, I—" Haledon quickly replied, feeling his cheeks growing warm.

"A blighted oak...I'll remember that."

"I didn't mean to—"

"No, no. I'm just a dense tree, don't mind me."

Witch-Hazel stomped its feet into the floor and began to take root. Its torso and legs turned to a thick bark as the body transformed into a sturdy trunk. The bramble head began to expand, branching out foliage that reached the roof and weaved itself in with ease. In moments the body of Witch-Hazel had disappeared, and a gnarled oak had taken up most of the room's free space.

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