Embers of Desire

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"So, Mr. Ethan," Jocelyn began, her voice dripping with a mix of curiosity and accusation. "Your disturbing obsession with Jennie Kim is not something that can be easily ignored. It's become increasingly apparent, invading every aspect of your life."

Ethan's face reddened, his defensive tone matching his flushed cheeks. "She's my girlfriend, and my feelings for her are deep. I care about her more than anything. Isn't it natural to be passionate?"

Jocelyn raised an eyebrow, her gaze piercing through Ethan's fragile facade. "Passion can sometimes blur the lines, Mr. Ethan. But your obsession has gone beyond the realm of love. It has led you to consider removing the people who hold significance in Jennie's life, starting with her own parents. That, my dear, is crossing a dangerous threshold."

Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. "I am not behind all this. I promise you, Officer Jocelyn."

Jocelyn leaned back, her expression a mixture of skepticism and mild amusement. "Words are merely words, Mr. Ethan. It takes more than a mere promise to undo the damage caused by such disturbing contemplations."

Ethan's voice wavered, his desperation evident. "I understand the gravity of my thoughts. There's an indescribable urge within me to protect Jennie, to shield her from any harm. But I admit, I acted foolishly by trying to intrude upon the interrogation that day. It was a moment of weakness, and I apologize sincerely for my behavior. Please understand, Officer Jocelyn, that I am a psychologist, not a murderer. My training is centered around helping people, not causing harm."

A faint smile curled upon Jocelyn's lips, her eyes glimmering with an air of superiority. "Ah, Mr. Ethan, you seem to have regained your composure today. I can't help but wonder what has brought about this newfound clarity and restraint. Perhaps the fear of being exposed? The fear of the consequences catching up with you?"

Ethan's jaw clenched, his eyes burning with determination. "I assure you, Officer Jocelyn, I have nothing to fear. I am innocent, and I haven't committed any wrongdoing. That is why I can look you in the eyes without a hint of doubt. My profession revolves around understanding the human mind, not succumbing to darkness."

Jocelyn sighed softly, her voice tinged with a note of authority. "Very well, Mr. Ethan. You are free to leave for now. However, be aware that you may be summoned for further questioning at any time. We will continue to investigate this matter thoroughly."

Jocelyn's lips curled into a sly smirk as she watched Ethan exit the room. "Such intriguing characters in this case," she mused, her voice barely above a whisper. "I find it rather captivating."


When Ethan stormed out of the interrogation room, his heart sank as he witnessed an unexpected sight—Jisoo tightly clutching Jennie's hand. The sight of them together ignited a tempest of emotions within him, a whirlwind of anger and jealousy threatening to consume him whole. He had made it clear to Jisoo that he would do whatever it took to protect Jennie from any harm, yet here she was, blatantly defying his words.

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