The End

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"Why have I been brought here again?" Jisoo exhaled, totally exhausted as she sat in the interrogation room, while Jocelyn looked at her as if she would kill her anytime.

"Yeri was attacked. She has been stabbed and is hospitalized right now," Jocelyn said, continuing, "Obviously, you would know, you are the one who did all of this." Jocelyn accused.

"I'm sorry to hear that, and no, I didn't know about it because I don't have anything to do with it," Jisoo replied.

"Oh, really? You were the one who had an argument with her just yesterday, and somehow, your phone is tracked to be in the same area she was attacked," Jocelyn said.

"In what area?" Jisoo asked.

"Yeri's house," Jocelyn replied.

"After meeting Jennie, I went to a nearby coffee shop, and I forgot my phone there. I had to return to get it. If you doubt me, you could call the café and confirm it for yourself," Jisoo said.

"I will do that; you don't have to tell me," Jocelyn replied. "You're not as smart as you think, Jisoo, you aren't," she continued.

Jisoo smirked and shook her head in disbelief.

"All these murders, Jennie's parents, Ethan's accident, and now Yeri. Why is everyone hurt or dead after getting into an argument with you?" Jocelyn accused.

"I don't know. I don't have the slightest idea, but at this point, it does seem like someone is doing it intentionally to put all the blame on me," Jisoo said, frustrated.

"Huh, really, Jisoo? Isn't it surprising that even though all the evidence points at you, we don't have any concrete proof against you? But don't worry, I will put you behind bars, I promise," Jocelyn said.

"I'm just an artist. I don't kill people," Jisoo replied.

"Oh, you're so much more than just an artist, and you know it. I know that there's more to this, so you don't have to lie," Jocelyn said. Jisoo sighed.

"Where's Jennie?" Jisoo asked.

"Is it about her then? She already loves you. You don't have to go around killing people to get her," Jocelyn continued to press Jisoo.

"I know she loves me. I love her too, but I'm not so obsessed with her to go around killing people," Jisoo replied.

"Oh, you aren't," Jocelyn said, sounding somewhat disappointed.

"You can go for now, but I will prove you are the culprit, and that's my promise," Jocelyn said.

"May the real culprit get caught; that's what I will pray for," Jisoo said as she left.


Jisoo repeatedly dialed Jennie's number, frustration mounting with each unanswered call. Her patience wore thin, and she finally snapped, muttering to herself, "If she doesn't want anything to do with me, fine. I'm so done." With a burst of frustration, she hurled her phone onto the bed and, in an attempt to numb her emotions, she drowned herself in alcohol, hoping it would lull her into a restless sleep.


Next evening

"Ethan!" Jennie screamed as she forcefully pushed him away, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and anger.

"Why don't you want to kiss me now?" Ethan's tone sounded deranged as he asked, his demeanor becoming increasingly unsettling.

"I told you I love Jisoo. I'm only here because I have nowhere else to go right now, and this house is as much mine as yours," Jennie snapped, her voice trembling with anger. "But you don't get to touch me. We are nothing anymore."

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