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Jisoo, Jennie, and Officer Jocelyn found themselves inside Jisoo's office within her farmhouse. Jisoo couldn't help but question Officer Jocelyn about her sudden and uninvited entry.

"May I inquire as to the reason behind your unexpected visit to my place, Officer?" Jisoo questioned, her tone slightly stern.

Jocelyn smirked, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Oh, don't say that. I happen to be a fan of yours," she replied. "Besides, officers are always unwelcome guests, aren't they?"

Jisoo leaned slightly on the table, her curiosity piqued. Jennie, meanwhile, stood near the window, hugging herself tightly.

"Tell me the reason, Officer," Jisoo insisted, her voice laced with a mixture of concern and determination.

"Mr. Ethan informed me that his girlfriend was in need of protection. He believed that someone would harm her in his absence," Jocelyn explained. "So I went to their shared apartment, but I found no one. After a lengthy process, we successfully tracked down Miss Jennie here."

"I'm alright, Officer, and I will be fine," Jennie spoke up, her voice filled with confidence.

"Hmm, you seem quite sure of that, Jennie. The fact that those around you keep getting hurt and yet you remain convinced could mean three things," Jocelyn said, her gaze shifting between Jennie and Jisoo. She continued with a sly smirk, "Either you are the culprit, or you know the culprit is in love with you, or you're just an idiot."

Jisoo's annoyance grew, and she couldn't hold back her response any longer. "Watch your mouth, Officer," she warned firmly.

Jocelyn chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Jisoo's irritation. "Hmm, everyone seems to be so protective of you, Jennie," she remarked, her smirk deepening. "By the way, I'm still surprised to find you both together in a locked room," she added, raising an eyebrow curiously.

Jisoo quickly intervened, attempting to shift Jocelyn's attention away from Jennie. "She came here because she believed I was behind whatever happened to Ethan," she explained, hoping to divert Jocelyn's focus.

"Are you?" Jocelyn turned to Jisoo, her gaze piercing.

"Of course not. I couldn't care less about his existence," Jisoo responded genuinely, her voice tinged with a touch of frustration.

Jennie, unable to stay silent any longer, spoke up, pleading with the officer. "Officer, there's no threat to me. Even if there is, I didn't ask for protection. I understand Ethan's concerns, but please stop listening to him."

Jocelyn's expression softened slightly as she contemplated Jennie's words. "Hmm, okay," she said as she stood up. Just as she reached the door, she paused and turned back to face Jennie. "Jennie, you should let go of people who seem dangerous, or you might have to pay with your life." With that warning, Officer Jocelyn left the room.

"I should be going now," Jennie said, preparing to leave. However, Jisoo couldn't bear the thought of Jennie leaving and swiftly grabbed her hand, pulling her into her arms. "Don't leave, stay with me," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation.

"I can't, Jisoo. I came here for something else, but I got distracted. I should go and check on Ethan," Jennie sighed, torn between her own desires and her sense of responsibility.

"You're confusing me, Jennie," Jisoo confessed, her brow furrowing with concern.

"Please give me some time," Jennie pleaded, her eyes searching for understanding.

Jisoo nodded reluctantly, giving Jennie the space she requested. "I'll be going then," Jennie said, and Jisoo's hold around her loosened.

Before leaving, Jennie surprised Jisoo by pecking her on the cheek, causing a mix of surprise and shyness to wash over Jisoo's face. Jennie couldn't help but giggle at her expression. "bye," she said softly, then turned and left the room.

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